Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] as be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In this sense , one of the components of the personality is regarded as being inherently ‘ aggressive ’ , except that in life it is normally held in check by the mind .
2 With regard to the efficiency principle the argument runs as follows : the financial services industry is regarded as being fundamentally different from all other industries .
3 Sometimes , as in Kant 's theory , the idea of irreducibility of spatio-temporal relations is defended on general epistemological grounds and is regarded as being inseparably interlinked with the idea of an all-embracing unitary space . "
4 For them a build-up of the primary manifestations of commuters ' syndrome — tertiary dandruff and pyorrhoea of the gums — is regarded as being just a little bit natty .
5 is regarded as being essentially something which is neutral , which always seems to me a very wrong thing to say , I I 'm sure it 's quite incorrect .
6 Sometimes a patient who is regarded as being totally dependent on hospital resources can cause a surprise by fairly suddenly changing , becoming relatively independent , and abandoning previous maladaptive coping behaviours .
7 It is regarded as being more important that the new appointee be familiar with the aims and methods which Highlander endorses rather than necessarily be able to present the best paper qualifications for the advertised job .
8 Major may have made it to the White House before Chancellor Kohl and President Mitterrand , but that does not mean he is regarded as being more important than either of them .
9 Although agriculture hardly figured in the race to the White House , Presidentelect Bill Clinton is regarded as being more protectionist and the failure to resolve outstanding differences over oil seeds could well fuel an agricultural trade war .
10 Indeed , Ulpian puts the case of a seller of a female slave who knowingly allows the buyer to believe that she is a virgin when she is not ( D. ) , a defect which is treated as being strictly liable so that the buyer can return the slave .
11 It can be administered to children between the ages of 4 and 13 years , and is recommended as being particularly suitable for children suffering from specific language disorders , deafness , mental retardation and cerebral palsy .
12 Here belief in such portents is presented as being highly suspect , and possibly an excuse for more sordid political ends .
13 The ‘ body part ’ reading therefore escapes being given a penalty point , and is accepted as being referentially more successful ( see Carter 1987a for a fuller discussion ) .
14 Often an arrangement is accepted as being faster , more cost-effective and more humane .
15 The Cult of Pleasure is revealed as being secretly given over to the worship of Slaanesh .
16 The loss of equilibrium is seen as being both a root cause of the crisis when it occurs and its manifestation .
17 This view is critical of the concept of ‘ parental rights ’ which is seen as being still too influential in popular thinking about parents and children .
18 They are at a stage when they are likely to be concerned with a variety of complex issues ; the meaning of life , the existence of God , ideologies , their emerging sexuality , their future career and life-style — too often science is seen as being purely instrumental with nothing to contribute to these debates .
19 Julie 's language is interesting ; implied in what she said is a hard/soft dichotomy ; philosophy is seen as being less serious , less important than ‘ hard ’ theory ; she is slightly embarrassed about wanting to do something which is apparently less difficult ( and by implication more trivial ) than straightforward theory .
20 The odd lapse with Ariane apart , the agency is seen as being technically as advanced as National Aeronautics and Space Administration in many key areas of space technology .
21 Blue , blue is seen as being very cold .
22 Although the UK and Europe account for two-thirds of sales of the business , growth in the USA , Far East and Japan in particular is seen as being very important .
23 If the aim of judicial review is seen as being only the protection of individuals ( whether people or organizations ) , this would suggest and justify standing rules which require the applicant to show that he , she or it is specially affected by what has been done or decided .
24 Such an effects-based approach is seen as being more efficient in that it is likely to capture for investigation a greater number of anti- competitive agreements and fewer of those that are innocuous .
25 In his book , The Science of Homoeopathy , the Greek homoeopathic practitioner Vithoulkas presents a slightly different diagram in which each ascending level is shown as being within and higher than the previous one , with all of them interpenetrated by the life force .
26 Simply speaking , water is classified as being either acid , neutral or alkaline .
27 Throughout the first few scenes of the play Antony is portrayed as being very subservient and devoted to Caesar .
28 As Weill reminds us : ‘ Good light music is appreciated as being more valuable than bad serious music . ’
29 As for Andy 's obviously varied influences , his Dad is cited as being initially responsible …
30 The campaign is identified as being primarily directed at the government , yet , as mentioned , local authorities have a role to play .
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