Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] and [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Effective leadership seeks to integrate these three elements so that each is optimised and enhances the other two .
2 The presence of an antithetic fault on the hanging wall margin can give the impression of a symmetric rift valley if it is exposed and forms an escarpment , even though the overall structure is asymmetric .
3 The dietician is consulted and provides a commercially made liquid diet which will give Mr Reynolds the nutrients he needs and is high in calories and protein .
4 100 acres of rainforest is devastated and disappears every minute of every day , cutting off our lifeblood , YOUR AIRSUPPLY .
5 The lake is frozen and provides a pleasant path to the back of the cwm .
6 But if the Section Sergeant goes in for any necessary purpose , the Inspector comes in , he is reported and gets a severe reprimand from his superiors for idling his time in the Station .
7 There are of course references to work in progress — a letter from Matisse on the installation of ‘ La Danse ’ at the Barnes Foundation : ‘ the panel is installed and suits the architecture , from which it seems inseparable ’ , as well as a melancholy reflection on the nature of drawing by Matisse from 1940 : ‘ A colorist 's drawing is not a painting .
8 Furnished in a modern style the hotel is airconditioned and has a lift .
9 If he is defeated and forces a byelection , the party would probably be obliged to expel him .
10 An evening dress , for instance , would be modelled while the sales clerk answers questions about it , describes the material from which it is made and discusses the sizes and price .
11 If the lock is picked , the Daemon is freed and attacks the lock-picker .
12 The author explains the various theories of how the lexicon is organized and illustrates the ways in which theory has been applied in both teaching materials and reference books .
13 The 16- or 17-year-old is conclusively presumed to be ‘ Gillick competent ’ or , alternatively , the test of ‘ Gillick competence ’ is bypassed and has no relevance .
14 When bees swarm , for instance , which happens when any given colony gets too big , a new queen is produced and departs the hive with a group of followers .
15 If your hair is damaged and needs a new lease of life after the party season then this give-away if for you .
16 A team that is challenged and has a real word in mind , but misspells it , loses .
17 What Willis emphasises is that the culture of the shop floor is bounded and has a special sense of completeness about it .
18 At Lea Yeat , the river is crossed and accompanies the road along the valley , which now trends south .
19 One of my daughters is a sculptress , and one was a model but now she 's retired and has a baby — whatever makes them happy .
20 The neck is Brazilian mahogany , 44mm wide at the nut , finished in thin , gloss water-based lacquer like the rest of the guitar and shaped to a well-rounded V. The headstock , which is bound and has a koa wood facing to match the back and sides , carries a set of gold Schallers with ebony buttons .
21 The complex viscosity in oscillating shear flow is derived and shares the form of the Rouse theory ( see Chap .
22 It can also happen that a speaker is interrupted and leaves a tone-unit incomplete — for example , lacking a tonic syllable .
23 In an age when lay people did not participate in the celebration of the Latin Mass the mystics writing in the vernacular interpreted their own experience of the reality expressed in both ritual and architecture , that it is only by means of suffering that redemptive love is proved and inherits the kingdom .
24 ‘ I feel it 's my duty to remind her that she is adored and does an exceptional amount of good for an awful lot of people , ’ he says .
25 From this it can be seen that recruitment will be most effective if everyone is involved and understands the problem .
26 If the glider is stalled and enters a spin at height , the inability to recover must be due a lack of spin recovery training .
27 Television has quickly become the most powerful medium , yet almost all its programme content is imported and bears no relation to the culture and traditions of the Pacific islanders .
28 Rather than having to type in the name of a program or press certain letters or numbers to select a function the user simply ‘ points ’ to what is required and presses a button .
29 In certain rites and ceremonies the Phoenix Guard attend the Phoenix King , most notably when he is chosen and enters the flame eternal in the shrine to mark his rebirth as the new king .
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