Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [conj] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If women try to play this particular role within worship , this visual link with Jesus is broken and we easily sink into thinking of him as only vaguely human , as a nice idea in our minds that we can mould as we will .
2 There may be occasions when a payment you are expecting is delayed and you suddenly need funds to cover the resultant cash shortage .
3 It is claimed that we now know that the world operates in accordance with laws , and so we do not need to bring God in to explain things .
4 It is reported that he never performed an operation without washing his hands .
5 The scientific truth is often much more fascinating , but investigating it is stifled if we simply relegate every unusual occurrence to the dustbin of ‘ mystic forces ’ .
6 ‘ The Hindus venerate oxen , ’ he wrote , ‘ and it is said that they actually drink the oxen 's urine when they fall sick . ’
7 For the salvation offered by God to men and women … took on , from the Old Testament Prophets onwards , the privileged form of a nuptial mystery : for God the Chosen People is seen as his ardently loved spouse …
8 Rather , it is conceded that they doubtless act out of a well-meaning desire to treat .
9 Sixth , the employer 's will to resist trade union demands is weakened and he therefore ‘ settles closer to the union 's minimum acceptable increase than to his own maximum acceptable offer ’ .
10 If I do need to remove the fish can you give me any suggestions on housing them temporarily while the tank is cleaned as I only have one tank .
11 Unfortunately , little is known about her life , however , it is understood that she regularly for the National Geographic magazine , for whom she did some of their earliest published colour photography .
12 But it is known that he still holds a soft spot for Portadown where his combative midfield drive played a huge part in the County Armagh club 's championship successes in 1990 and 1991 .
13 The scene is observed but it also has its own life and its own place in the narrative .
14 If you die leaving £347,000 to your wife it is assumed that she still has it when she dies , so £200,000 is taxable then .
15 In other words , they actually arrange a medical assessment before someone is admitted and they then try to continue the kind of care that that has initiated .
16 ‘ She is so tired when her work is finished that she just sits still and rests .
17 Then the size of the stripes is decreased until she no longer reacts .
18 If they are not on the goal-line five metres from the mark when the kick is taken and they then illegally prevent a try being scored the referee 's decision would be the award of a penalty try .
19 Everyone agrees that this means both sides must be heard , but it is disputed whether it also means that both sides must have equal time even though the arguments of one side are more complex or require more witnesses than the other .
20 The exact date of its original building is disputed but it probably stems from the late fifth or early sixth century .
21 In the discussions with the monks over the qualities of Benedict as Bishop it is stated that they carefully discussed the matter with each other and also with the Archbishop at the Prior 's lodgings and also at Halling .
22 A smith uses a hammer very differently to most tradesmen , never holds it at the bottom of the shaft , for the resulting whip means that power is lost so they always clench the tool near the head .
23 It 's expired and she never remembers .
24 As ever , the amp is fan-cooled ; with the 3500 head I had expressed reservations about not being able to switch the fan off for recording , but John Henry 's insisted that it really would n't pose a problem in either DI 'd or close-miking situations .
25 You know someone who you believe is a supporter and in conversation it 's mentioned that he regularly gives to charities .
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