Example sentences of "[is] [vb pp] [adv] and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Push the connector firmly into the boss shoulder making sure it is aligned properly and remove surplus cement
2 Now what I would like to do is come back and see you either next week or the week after .
3 I once saw a science fiction movie about time-travellers in the future ; towards the end of the film the whole story is speeded up and re-run in about two minutes .
4 He 's an expert on the buildings history and if the building is bought up and say , converted to offices , would like one or 2 rooms put by so he can set up a museum of psychiatry .
5 Choose a scene where much of this is conveyed visually and see how far everyone agrees in their interpretation of what they see .
6 You see the only way that you can really discipline them is when you have a school where the rules have been very , very strict from the moment that they went into that school and they have had their noses held to the grindstone with work up to their brows and they just do n't think of being tiresome and anybody who is tiresome is pulled out and put in a special room on their own , called a sin bin an which is rather boring and made to work even harder !
7 Each morning the members of the team come straggling into the dark and dusty offices , yawning and inert ; and each morning , as coffee is brought round and work gradually gets under way , the little enclosed world comes alive .
8 Ensure that all long-stay care is run well and increase single room accommodation .
9 They just want the child to do what is asked quickly and dread a battle .
10 What can you expect is a certain amount of resentment or sour grapes between October 1–4 and , frustrating as it may be , all you can really do about the situation is put up and shut up in the certain knowledge that you will gain your freedom , however long it takes .
11 Computational modellers , for their part , usually have some idea of how the visual system is put together and let that guide their model building .
12 Can I just say at this point that erm John will happ had a word with the landlady and the landlord of the Reindeer , with regards to this application , and what the landlady told John was that she and her husband would dearly like to do away with the breeze block garage that is there , that is totally out of character , and extend the car park way back to the garages , but the brewery are insisting that they do what is planned here and do away with some of the
13 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
14 Yet , he still somehow manages to listen to virtually everything that 's sent in and retain the same enthusiasm for music that has been with him through his 23 years at Radio 1 .
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