Example sentences of "[is] [adv] well know that " in BNC.

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1 Tabasco is so well known that it is to pepper sauces what Hoover is to vacuum cleaners .
2 It is so well known that women who smoke risk giving birth to underweight babies that the labels on cigarette packets in America caution that ‘ smoking may complicate pregnancy . ’
3 The English love affair with Tuscany is so well known that in the last century hotel porters in Siena called all foreigners English , even if they were German or Russian .
4 But it is also well known that the so-called expert witness in court may be a hired gun , willing to testify to anything for a fee , or a crackpot whose unsupportable ideas are masked by an advanced degree — often from a respectable university .
5 However , it is also well known that social stereotyping of [ h ] -loss does not apply in Scotland , Ireland , North America and colonial Englishes generally , for the reason that [ h ] is stable in stressed syllables in these varieties ( although [ h ] -loss is found in English-based Creoles ) .
6 It is also well known that the sediments build up in the summer and tend to be removed again in the winter .
7 It is also well known that languages like Japanese and Tagalog have topic markers distinct from case markers .
8 It is now well known that distant galaxies are probably about 10 times farther away than Hubble inferred .
9 It is fairly well known that Martin bought the Swedish Levin Guitar factory in the 1970s and that Levin had ceased trading by the end of that decade .
10 It 's quite well known that Little Richard was one of David 's idols , but there 's a lot of other American people who interested David , as much from the image point of view as the music . ’
11 It is quite well known that at Christmas British and German troops briefly fraternized and drank together in no-man's-land .
12 ‘ I think it 's pretty well known that some of the ones that are going to get a particularly close look are the ones I mentioned , either because they are not being competed in by a lot of people in a great many countries , or they are expensive , and so on . ’
13 It is very well known that dreams often contain elements — visual or ideational — that can be identified as being part of the previous day 's experiment .
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