Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [vb pp] [conj] [det] " in BNC.

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61 From a formal perspective , the description " staircase " is apt , but from a more semantic perspective it is easily seen that such a form is an instance of the parallelism of greater precision .
62 It is easily seen that all the probes producing ‘ blocks ’ of extra positives outside the main diagonal ( like those hitting the centromeric regions of all three chromosomes ) are successfully filtered out and most ( about 80% ) of the coligated clones or those containing repeats are excluded from the analysis .
63 It is easily seen that these conditions are identical and reduce to just , the condition governing the critical frequencies of the constant-k prototype .
64 It is normally assumed that this reconstruction will not result in long-term unemployment of resources , or worse , permanent under-utilisation of resources in some sectors .
65 It is normally believed that this arose through my friendship with Harold Wilson .
66 It is true that some attention is normally indicated and this may involve a certain amount of expense , though not necessarily a king 's ransom .
67 It 's generally assumed that those who forego the pleasures of the flesh are elderly , but a report in the American Journal of Psychiatry reveals that 75pc are under the age of 38 .
68 Despite such differences and tensions , it is nevertheless suggested that these are best viewed as variations within the functionalist style of public law thought .
69 It is usually assumed that this is a deficiency in the enzymes ( see p 18 ) that detoxify foreign chemicals .
70 It is usually accepted that such milestones were measured from civitas capitals or cities , suggesting that by the AD 270s Water Newton had achieved this rank and was responsible for the local government of its hinterland .
71 Throughout the training , landing out is usually treated as such a serious misdemeanour that the inexperienced pilot is often influenced into trying desperately hard to get back if he either inadvertently drifts away from the site or gets lost during a local soaring flight .
72 Play is usually defined as any activity engaged in for the enjoyment it gives without any consideration of the end result .
73 There is no cure for this , but fortunately it is usually found that such processes do not occur in some fraction of photoionization events , so that the observed spectrum contains at least some intensity in an unshifted line , accompanied by various ‘ satellites ’ corresponding to the energy loss processes .
74 The entry form is usually located on or near the product and it is usually required that each entry is accompanied by proofs of purchase .
75 It is usually postulated that some association between infant or childish sexual satisfaction and the fetish object — a strong but not necessarily direct association — is responsible for its significance to the individual .
76 Psychologically , as the response is always rewarded when this crucial element is present , the response becomes more and more strongly connected with the relevant cue and extinguished as a response to other cues .
77 The strategy of ‘ pro-Zionism ’ is not pro-Zionist in the usual sense , for Zionism is still seen as more than Jewish nationalism — as an immensely powerful force controlling the minds of the public .
78 However , immunity is rapidly re-established and any clinical signs which occur are usually of a transient nature .
79 It 's a very distressing erm syndrome for many women and er there 's quite a lot of evidence that it 's hormonally linked and most women suffer from it in one way or another .
80 A horse 's degree of willingness , cooperation in learning new things , agreeableness in doing what we ask of it , are most important traits in a horse 's temperament if we wish to enjoy riding it ; yet it is an aspect of the horse that is more overlooked than any other when someone is thinking of buying or breeding a horse .
81 And then , though in varying degrees , you can see or hear these specific kinds of work : relatively easily if they are specific forms of your own culture ; with more difficulty , and sometimes with absolute difficulty , if they are forms of some other , especially remote culture , or if your own culture is deeply divided and these forms come from an area that is strange to you .
82 The positioning of electric equipment is important because of possible splashing with waterjets ; therefore , it is imperative that such equipment is specially protected and that outlet sockets are placed at a level where there is no danger of their coming into contact with water .
83 The carbon dioxide produced by respiration of living creatures and used by plants during the day usually only produces a relatively-small daily cycle of pH change , which is further buffered if any hardness is in the water .
84 This commercial network is greatly strengthened by shared social and cultural identities — and the unity of the upper class is further reinforced as these links are utilised .
85 It is further acknowledged that each of the parties shall indemnify me for all reasonable costs of defending such actions and proceedings .
86 The sense of urgency conveyed by the ‘ Look out ’ indicates the expectation that the pram , complete with baby , will fall over the cliff and perhaps be dashed on the rocks beneath and it is further assumed that this will be-deleterious for the baby .
87 This blurring of disciplinary frontiers is further encouraged when those few social anthropologists who can count , or have convenient access to mathematical aids , follow sociologists in succumbing to the lure of statistics and the computer .
88 All the early Fleetwood Mac guitar tones are available in the middle position and this is further accentuated when both humbuckers are coil-tapped .
89 It is further suggested that this will lead to women being able to take up paid work instead , further advancing their equality with men .
90 Another process is sometimes adopted for getting rid of the sediment without the trouble of decanting in this mode ; the bottles are reserved in a frame proper for the purpose , for a certain number of days , so as to permit the foulness to fall into the neck ; while in this position , the cork is dexterously withdrawn and that portion of the wine that is foul , allowed to escape , after which the bottle is filled with clear wine , permanently corked and secured with wire .
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