Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adv] or [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The moment the game ends I 'll know whether everything is all right or otherwise . ’
2 ‘ My supplies come by van and that 's only once or twice a month . ’
3 and giving us tuition on real antique furniture , he does n't do anything in his shop erm after eighteen forty or it 's all more or less Georgian , very Georgian actually .
4 This signalling system is apparently more or less the same in Brazilian Portuguese .
5 Setting unrealistic standards means we can only fail , nothing we do is ever enough or exactly right .
6 And gentility is a belief that life is always more or less orderly , people always more or less polite , their emotions and habits more or less decent and more or less controllable ; that God , in short , is more or less good ,
7 Nothing today remains of Fonthill Abbey , though Strawberry Hill is still more or less intact .
8 Nevertheless this is , as she says , a way of thinking about international politics which is still more or less in its infancy .
9 It 's always more or less .
10 that erm , people do n't necessarily go on this , but er , it 's probably more or less typical of rural areas , where , where people just do n't feel that there 's any hope here .
11 Well that 's probably before or just after a service .
12 The rhetorical approach emphasizes that any attitude is more than an expression in favour of a position : it is also implicitly or explicitly an argument against a counter-position .
13 A second element of the state system which requires investigation is the administrative one , which now extends far beyond the traditional bureaucracy of the state , and which encompasses a large variety of bodies , often related to particular ministerial departments , or enjoying a greater or lesser degree of autonomy public corporations , central banks , regulatory commissions , etc. and concerned with the management of the economic , social , cultural and other activities in which the state is now directly or indirectly involved .
14 The Wall Street Journal is now more or less convinced that Louis Gerstner , chairman and chief executive of RJR Nabisco Holdings Corp and brother of former IBM Corp top staffer Richard Gerstner , will be named as IBM 's next chief executive : under Gerstner 's reign , RJR has slashed its $29,000m debt by more than 50% , partly by selling off corporate assets — ‘ He is a guy who likes to break things up , ’ commented Curt Rohrman , a First Boston analyst who follows IBM .
15 Trout-fishing on the Kennet is now more or less back to normal , but anglers say that other rivers are still affected and anyone else who spoils their fun in future can expect to pay for it .
16 Erm you may , you may start to believe from what I 've been saying that federalism is a kind of sham , you know that it 's a that really states have lost significance viz a viz the federal government , federal government is now more or less a , a unitary state and runs everything , well that 's not true at all .
17 In examining colloquial English it is often more or less a matter of arbitrary choice how one transcribes such a word .
18 An identification is then implicitly or explicitly made with parallel forms of political struggle in our own day .
19 So , in stronger winds on a reach or run the daggerboard is either partially or completely raised , and all the sideways resistance is left to the skeg and rails .
20 In fact the entire circuit is either directly or indirectly biased from this potential divider .
21 This crucial element in Morgan 's evidence is an illusion and there is not the slightest shred of evidence that those societies where large numbers of people can be referred to by the terms for parent are societies where marriage is either more or less individualistic .
22 The actual material , as Andrew Clements writes , returns ‘ in a variety of contexts and with changing perspectives , to hint at a structure that is never explicitly or completely revealed ’ .
23 Also , even if a subject is never directly or completely ‘ freed ’ trom repression by its displacement , he or she may be empowered in other ways — for example , by being seen to be homophobic in a homophobic culture .
24 The former is that more or less subconscious attitude to sedimentation which still seems to be held by many ( if not most ) stratigraphers , though not by students of Recent sediments .
25 Whether my knowledge that I shall some day die , that a nuclear war is likely sooner or later , that alcohol will kill me , that another person is suffering , does move me in one direction or another , depends on the extent of my disposition to take these things into account in choices , on awareness which may spontaneously vary from one moment to the next and be sustainable only by an effort of will .
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