Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adv] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 It is most commonly woven into textured or pile fabrics and it has an advantage over wool in that when washed correctly ( without too much heat ) it will retain its shape , drip dry and need little ironing .
2 WARNER CLASSICS — Warner Classics is only gradually getting into the mid-price market .
3 However , it is so much woven into the fabric of multimedia , we will not focus on interactivity in itself in this study but allow it to feature implicitly throughout our assessment of multimedia design , technology and application .
4 The input pulse width is thus accurately translated into output shaft position .
5 However , in most cases , the private person , even if not acting in the course of a business , is still really entering into a commercial transaction and it seems more likely that there will be more cases than in the first category where it will be reasonable that he accept some liability .
6 If there is still more to fit into a week than is humanly possible , do what a doctor advised me to do .
7 Iron is more easily absorbed into the body if mixed with vitamin C ; have an orange with your meal , for example .
8 This information is also automatically loaded into the testing and repair database at this time and is available for checking and inspection at any time .
9 The epimeron is also sometimes divided into two sclerites by a transverse suture , giving an anepimeron and a katepimeron .
10 It is now largely restored into an area of restaurants and bars , with narrow cobbled streets .
11 Prestige developments , particularly Abingdon Marina , which is now well advanced into its 5th phase offers a comprehensive choice of quality waterside homes set in idyllic tranquil surroundings .
12 In his Mornings on the Seine series , with their hushed and delicate mood , the brushwork is almost entirely effaced into the flat , matt surface .
13 A liberal spraying of Waxoyl diluted by white spirit is then easily taken into the metal where it continues to preserve from within .
14 Salt is then lightly worked into the curds before they are packed into muslin-lined truckles or moulds .
15 The shock can have a sudden and lasting effect ; the woman 's energy is no longer channelled into her appearance , and it seems as if she has made up the extra ten years , and more , all at once .
16 Thus illegitimacy is no longer taken into consideration in determining the rights of succession of an illegitimate person , or the rights of succession to his estate , or the rights of succession traced through an illegitimate relationship .
17 But the treatment of the rest of the face is more complex , subtler and more empirical ; it is no longer divided into a few clearly defined sections , and eyes and mouth are not so precisely stylized and deliberately emphasized as they had been before .
18 Defeatism is not a useful property with which to enter the world of employment : failure is too conveniently assimilated into a horizon of limited expectations .
19 It is a theory which , though true to a point , is too easily stretched into an excuse .
20 But in order to respond fully , our active participation as spectators is very obviously called into play — as well as called into question .
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