Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is most embarrassing for us , but we have no idea where they have gone . ’
2 It is probable that there will be several different approaches in one class and the trainers will have to enable each of the students to take control of their own learning and develop skills in a way which is most effective for them .
3 They will then try to revive his spirits while they consider which offer of a new home is most suitable for him .
4 You can discuss with your doctor or family planning clinic which is most suitable for you .
5 You can discuss with your doctor or family planning clinic which is most suitable for you .
6 Letting someone else decide — most often manifest in people applying for a wide range of jobs perhaps with little in , because they are unable to decide which is most appropriate for them and hoping that somehow the right choice will be made by the employers themselves .
7 If you need support , advice or even just company go to whichever group is most convenient for you and your child(ren) .
8 Although William Green was deprecatory about his own writing it is most happy for us that his Guide ( 1819 ) sets out clearly the aspirations of his art .
9 ‘ Help with the modern technology and improved communications is what is most important for us now , ’ said Peteris Apse , the manager of the press .
10 ‘ Really this arrangement is most satisfactory for me . ’
11 ‘ I must say all this is rather terrifying for me — these card indexes and things — or should one say indices ? — I never know . ’
12 He accuses the Americans of being xenophobic : ‘ It 's very difficult for the Americans because it 's most unusual for them to adopt a standard not written by the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ) .
13 Of course I understand it 's most difficult for you , you 're struggling with your Scottish Protestant conscience .
14 I 'm glad to say it got a thorough sort of leathering in the Lords , and so I think it 's rather premature for him to say that by fixing a budget we have belighted the whole police service in Wiltshire , for the next er , eight or whatever number of years he said , I think that certainly is rather premature .
15 ‘ That 's rather difficult for me to explain . ’
16 ‘ It 's rather difficult for me to show my face at Brigade H.Q at the moment , ’ I replied .
17 It 's just that I am so evil and perverted and encrusted with slime that it 's rather difficult for me to remember the fact . ’
18 We have an intuitive grip on numerical non-identity which is wholly sufficient for us to judge proposed criteria of it .
19 ‘ Oh the MOI 's dead keen for me to go too .
20 I want to discuss this with my superiors , but I think it 's only fair for me to say that it may well be difficult for us to keep you here . ’
21 ‘ It 's only natural for you to be ignorant about such matters .
22 Neither effect is large , but the result is sufficiently different for us to feel uncomfortable about averaging the two effects ; it would not do justice to the situation to say that on average there was no effect of education once age was controlled .
23 Erm er it 's er it 's obviously annoying for me personally , er but the worst thing about it is that it can be done at the drop of a hat , you say , I want information on X. and they say , Yes we can provide .
24 ‘ It is especially useful for them to have someone else at the surgery , not only for reassurance but to add to the discussion , ’ he explains .
25 If it is so necessary for us to opt one way or the other , is it perhaps that here too Christianity has caused a split in human nature of which the people of harmony knew nothing ? "
26 ‘ There was something more between the two of you ; that 's why this is so awful for you . ’
27 ‘ It is so hard for them to understand .
28 It is so hard for them to understand .
29 In the vague reference to " his needs " in the last sentence we even get a glimpse of why the question of money is so important for him .
30 That is why it is so important for us to be exactly clear what we mean by support teaching , and which ‘ model ’ of support teaching is under investigation , before we can select our criteria for evaluation appropriately ( see Table 8.3 ) .
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