Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The first impression is rather like an American city , with the clusters of skyscrapers ( some half-built ) in the ‘ down-town area ’ , but underneath the skyscrapers there are some nice little squares and open spaces full of beautiful exotic trees and lush grass .
2 The effect is rather like an extended advertisement for Marlboro Lights .
3 It is rather like an empty filing cabinet waiting for the files to go in .
4 ‘ The debate on the constitution is only in an early stage and it is worthy of more intelligent debate , ’ he said .
5 Whilst it would be an exaggeration to say that the part played by remains true that it is only in an exceptional case that a Government Bill fails to pass into law in substantially the form in which it entered Parliament .
6 But it is only from an aesthetic point of view that they merit , in consequence , much less attention ; in the novelist 's eyes they become , on the contrary , more revealing .
7 The discussion is more neutral only in so far as it is assumed that the curriculum ( such a global phenomenon ) is no-one 's responsibility in particular , and clearly this is so in an individual sense — but it is however the responsibility of the profession to take a leading role in this area and at the moment it is not fulfilling this role .
8 However , Fahey and Narayanan comment , in practice scanning frequently detects environmental change that is already at an advanced state .
9 The western section is already at an acceptable standard but the east section is in poor condition , virtually unusable when wet .
10 Suppose that on the basis of the observations at T 1 , we select a group of children of low reading ability for experimental remedial education , X. Even if X is useless , a child 's performance at T 2 can not ( or is unlikely to ) deteriorate since it is already at an extreme low but , through chance variation , it may move upwards giving an overall appearance of improvement .
11 The revolution is already in an advance state .
12 ‘ It 's just like an English town of the 1950s , with hardly any traffic , ’ she said .
13 Erm the reason for this is that Luton er is not an attractive proposition on a long term basis but it anti er and that , that is largely for an environmental point of view of the fact that it will also not provide an awful lot of additional capacity but it is a highly economic airport from the point of view of the number of er the cost required to expand it er further er passenger and facilities they already have designs for the extension of the facilities in that airport and I am concerned that er delays in the planning process for terminal three er or for any other alternatives in the South East or for making alternative arrangements elsewhere in the country .
14 This research is still at an early stage .
15 The aim of the directive on " civil liability for damage caused by waste " , which is still at an early stage of discussion , is to force banks to take greater interest in the environmentally damaging activities of their business customers .
16 Union policies for new technology represent an ambitious project and negotiation of technology agreements is still at an early stage .
17 Photo-Me 's identity card venture is still at an embryonic stage , accounting for only 2 ½%; of turnover .
18 It is still at an experimental stage and has not yet been implemented country-wide .
19 If the nearly-invisible Mrs Shephard is the John Major of parliamentary women — the glamorous Mrs Bottomley , 44 , is more like an old-fashioned ambitious networker , closely plugged in to politics by virtue of both her birth and her marriage .
20 The only other twentieth-century example I have found is also from an Irish-born writer : ( 198 ) I 've been made scream with pain in other ways .
21 Mrs Weber is also from an unprivileged background .
22 Not surprisingly , the contemporary image of an old person is typically of an old woman , and of the loneliness of widowhood .
23 Work by the staffs in the four ministries of defence and by the NATO agency N A F M A to re-orientate the project in line with the minister 's directions is now at an advance stage .
24 ‘ The number of girls is now at an all-time low ’
25 Today , primitive skill on the field has been replaced by brains on the bench and , as such , football is now on an intellectual par with chess and skittles .
26 The following year 202 assignments were completed , with a further 109 in Hong Kong ; 24% of Norman Broadbent 's business is now of an international nature .
27 The three US service manuals are currently in process of being updated , and it will be interesting to see whether either they , or the new UK tri-service manual which is now in an advanced state of preparation , say anything more specific about possible limits of one kind or another to the use of nuclear weapons .
28 The 2250 kilogram communication satellite is now in an egg-shaped orbit well below its target , some 35000 km above Brazil .
29 It is socially very inept to ask someone their age and , if they tell you , it is often in an embarrassed whisper .
30 An inquiry is underway into an illicit New Year 's Eve drinks party at a top-security jail .
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