Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] out to " in BNC.

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1 No no no she 's just going out to daughter .
2 In harbour the rig is usually opened out to its full water width of six metres , and the four independently suspended wheels can be retracted into the main hull , so that it appears to squat on the ground .
3 That work is now contracted out to the person who used to do it .
4 Hun Sen sold out to the Vietnamese , and is now selling out to Thai businessmen as well , it says .
5 b ) It is now pulled out to the shape shown below .
6 The fact that so many people object so strenuously to the feminist ‘ attack on words ’ suggests , to me at least , that this issue of sexism in language is not the trivial diversion it is often made out to be .
7 Vivien is not alone in thinking that the European professionals are making a mistake in looking for the same privileges and superstar treatment that is nowadays meted out to their American sisters .
8 The water is then fed out to the waterfall .
9 In the first the message is received in full and is then given out to the person ; in the second the message is received and is simultaneously translated into the second language .
10 That is then dished out to line managers .
11 If the rent was from non-UK land there will have been no tax charges under general principles although the income may be assessed under TA 1988 , Part XV or TA 1988 , ss739 or 734 or , if it is paid out in an income form to a UK beneficiary , it may be assessed on the beneficiary under Schedule D , Cases IV or V. The position with regard to dividends received by overseas discretionary trusts where the income is then paid out to a beneficiary is complicated because of the way in which the 10 per cent additional rate charge is levied .
12 There is nothing what actually says , only when that cheque goes back to the bank , there 's nothing anywhere apart from the bank who says that cheque is actually made out to .
13 This might be a way forward for coal power , which is currently losing out to gas both on the pollution and cost fronts .
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