Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Inland the scenery is mostly flat or of gently rolling hills covered with silvery olive groves and dotted with ancient castles and the unique ‘ Trulli ’ houses of stone .
2 The doctors can recommend treatment A in preference to treatment B. They can also refuse to adopt treatment C on the grounds that it is medically contra-indicated or for some other reason is a treatment which they could not conscientiously administer .
3 The doctors can recommend treatment A in preference to treatment B. They can also refuse to adopt treatment C on the grounds that it is medically contra-indicated or for some other reason is a treatment which they could not conscientiously administer .
4 Understatement is most effective when in stark contrast with a highly charged force field .
5 The rate of expansion required to meet the twin goals of employment creation and retention on the one hand , and income improvement on the other , will depend on the commodity mix which is most suitable and on the level of technology which is used .
6 ‘ It is most surprising that in the tourism industry the necessity for language training to meet the growing demand for overseas visitors is not felt to be important , ’ the report said .
7 Firstly , the altar faces north and not west , as in most churches , and secondly , the tower is most attractive and in perfect proportion to the intimate size of the church .
8 This plant is very easy to grow , as it is most undemanding as to tank conditions .
9 It is most regrettable and of no help to the industry .
10 It is most unlikely that without the reformulation a hearer would have even understood what the first segment was about .
11 This distinction is most important because of the inherent flexibility that results from the separation of the logical and physical views .
12 Scintigraphy may recognise oesteonecrosis somewhat earlier , but is rather uncertain because of poor anatomic resolution , false negative examinations with bilateral disease , and because the scintigraphic activity in the infarcted bone varies with the stage of the bone disease .
13 The introduction of smoke into a gas flow without unduly disturbing it is rather difficult except in wind-tunnels specially designed for the purpose .
14 Competition between male mountain goats is rather less than in some other species and as an evolutionary result the sexes are very similar in size and appearance .
15 Ideally we should include configuration interaction ( CI ) , but this is rarely possible except for small molecules .
16 Unfortunately such a solution is rarely available and in this and the next chapter we shall examine ways of ‘ solving ’ such problems , which are typically grouped together under the title multiple-objective or multiple-criterion problems .
17 This is the tropical rainforest you have heard so much about , and here it is remarkably accessible and in pretty good shape .
18 And it 's right opposite or near the well , not opposite the Billets it was the auction rooms before
19 It is little wonder that in an interview yesterday Mr Lamont admitted : ‘ I am desperate for a bit of peace and quiet . ’
20 He is apparently emerging from the sea , as he is dripping wet and in the background there are waves .
21 Assertion ( 6 ) is necessarily true because of the definition of a Euclidean circle .
22 ‘ You look as old as one now ; and anyway , do n't be daft , woman , Susan 's only seven and in ten years ’ time you 'll be in a wheelchair . ’
23 ‘ It 's only hard because between us we 've made it that way , ’ he murmured softly .
24 ‘ Gary , it 's only frightened because of the journey .
25 It is highly probable that by early in the next century it will require no more than ten per cent of the labour force to provide us with all our material needs — that is , all the food we eat , all the clothing we wear , all the textiles and furnishings in our houses , the houses themselves , the appliances , the automobiles , and so on .
26 Film making is highly technical but for it 's inspiration it depends on one 's capacity intuitively and creatively , and it means bloody hard work
27 Readers will doubtless be able to identify the source of this advice as the work of Robin Lakoff : work which is highly contentious because of its speculativeness , lack of supporting evidence and hostility to nonaggressive speech styles .
28 It is highly desirable that from every product in regular production , samples be withdrawn periodically and put on long-term stability test .
29 Effective staff management in education is highly problematic because of the fragmented and diversified centres of control .
30 ‘ In the past , TUPE has not applied to MoD contracts , but now , following various European legal decisions , it is highly likely that in future it will .
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