Example sentences of "[is] [adj] we have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although entrance is free we have to lay aside everything to enter through the narrow gate , so that it costs us everything .
2 He is convinced we have to adopt entirely new value systems , change our philosophical orientation and spiritual thinking ; stop behaving as though the earth is here for mankind 's personal convenience and learn to regard ourselves as one small part of a much larger whole .
3 ‘ She 's delighted we 've got Place and that he 's really banged up .
4 He says it 's part of the staff 's contract that they work different shift from time to time — at times of crisis or if someone is sick we have to ask someone who knows the job to cover .
5 ‘ It 's lucky we 've found out about your noble blood , Tess .
6 The West Ham manager , Billy Bonds , who has already fined Dicks and stripped him of the club captaincy , admitted yesterday : ‘ It is obvious we have had a disciplinary problem this season and it is something we are going to have to try to put straight .
7 In a way this standing behind and it 's unfortunate we have to have something as big as this table er and if I stand behind it then you know Gordon 's not getting my full centre line yep .
8 I read the ingredients and I thought oh that 's good we 've got all those things
9 That 's right as far as the arm is concerned we 've got to be cautious , there .
10 As far as emotional state is concerned we have compared respondents ' answers between first and second assessments to the following questions :
11 Er this is alright we 've done it informally in the past , you know I 've talked to many clients some of which I handle some of which I do n't and always the question is er are we giving erm a service that we can improve on , if you look dealing with er are there any points you 'd like to raise with me , all these sort of questions but it 's all very unstructured er and sometimes it 's er er results in us having an action plan emerging , sometimes not .
12 I put this on the agenda erm the phrase at the moment seems to be flagging things up and my concern is opposite Dave is the but as everybody I 'm sure is aware we 've got erm divisional A L O's based within as Crime Prevention Officers , the main concern for my particular area is Bill although based at has actually for the last three years built up a good working relationship and inspected staff from and .
13 It 's alright we 've got plenty of time !
14 yeah that 's true we 've got them on record , but erm , no it 's erm
15 It 's true we have made changes to our diet since the National Advisory Committee on Nutritional Information ( NACNE ) report in 1983 which blew the whistle on the state of the British diet .
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