Example sentences of "[is] [conj] it will be " in BNC.

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1 The first is that it will be harder for the Tories to portray Labour as a party gripped by extremism .
2 Clearly the general view is that it will be very dangerous for us to stay out because we risk a German-dominated Europe . ’
3 Sure thing It seems that the only certain thing about the race is that it will be run at Doncaster .
4 All three party leaders have their admirers and the feeling on the ranks is that it will be a hung Parliament .
5 The expansionists acknowledge that the great worry about devaluation is that it will be inflationary and could at best be self-defeating or , at worst , bring in higher interest rates and slower growth .
6 The reason that the Dalai Lama was included is that it will be an Inter-faith meeting .
7 The widespread assumption about IBM 's forthcoming engine — and one to which we subscribe — is that it will be a machine designed to support one software scheme only .
8 However , this is not expected to happen for some time and even when reform is introduced , the probability is that it will be phased in over a number of years .
9 For example , if the job change has meant a salary increase , the new scheme will probably be more expensive to buy into as the likelihood is that it will be earnings-related .
10 As for how many personal computers could be supported by a local network-connected PS/2 , the company admits that it simply wo n't know until the code is finished , but the implication is that it will be many more than 40 , and that the local network might run out of capacity before the server will .
11 The legal model has one further method by which it attempts to balance the desirability of going to the managers of the company substantial discretionary power so that they have sufficient flexibility to act effectively , whilst at the same time minimizing the danger that the existence of such discretion creates , which is that it will be used arbitrarily .
12 On every count , the Minister 's defence on pension rights is that it will be within the powers of the Government to safeguard the interests of workers .
13 My view is that it will be necessary to establish four or five Passenger Transport Boards to be responsible for Transport but that these should have a different range of powers from that of the Strathclyde PTA .
14 Does my hon. Friend agree that the figures given demonstrate clearly that nationalisation has failed the Scottish coal industry and that the only hope now is that it will be privatised in the imminent future ?
15 All that I can say on the fixed link between Euston and the new complex — because I mentioned that a number of options are still being considered — is that it will be a dedicated link .
16 The real er difficulty is that we at this stage do n't actually know what 's going to be in the local plan and we believe and this is what erm Mid Sussex District Council are suggesting , is that it will be an amalgamation of the current separate local plans which cover their area , but there may well be some changes erm and until we see the thing as a whole we do n't know what it will say , moreover erm there may be elements outside the East Grinstead housing and business allocation which erm from another point of view might lead to a withholding of the statement of conformity .
17 ‘ My real worry is that it will be overburdened with all the problems there are in the community ’ .
18 A question worth asking is whether it will be easier to teach competent makers in the first three categories , in which engineers are well represented , enough about the work of the fourth to understand how a company works , or to teach the fourth about the first three to the same standard .
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