Example sentences of "[is] [conj] it [vb -s] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The truth of the matter is that it depends on the person and not the music we listen to .
2 The danger in utilizing a theory of ‘ mind ’ to solve the problem of grounding the sociology of knowledge is that it depends on concepts that relate to individual and inaccessible behaviour — ‘ thought ’ , ‘ consciousness ’ , etc .
3 The second , and more important , is that it depends on the test conditions .
4 ‘ The thing about directing is that it depends on how you read a play .
5 The sadness of what is in effect the breakup of the comprehensive system is that it occurs at the point when the system was reaching a confidence and maturity which demonstrated that it could meet the demands of the late twentieth century .
6 The importance of the PPR is that it occurs at a time when the numbers of new susceptible hosts are increasing and so ensures the survival and propagation of the worm species .
7 If the encyclopaedia has a weakness it is that it sits on the fence on controversial issues .
8 The central charges as items is that it refers to the charges from my own department , legal department , all the other central departments and an input to er the Strategic Planning Committee operating , but it 's not items that the Strategic Planning Committee has a control over , so there 's a change , an estimated change of cost and sometimes that reflects the changes in methodology of agricultural cost and that seems to be happening at the moment .
9 What is truly radical about this innovation is that it intervenes in the quality of life at work , the culture shared between men and women workers , on the side of women .
10 Our dilemma is that it speaks of a level of separation from the world , the flesh and human reality which has already proved far too harmful to the churches in general and for women in particular for us to consider returning to it .
11 The sorry thing about teacher training is that it remains within such a restricting framework .
12 Although he suggests he is not wholly against the permissive society , all that he can find to say in its favour is that it points to the continual necessity to make traditional values relevant to contemporary society , to the fact that the importance of the family , ‘ the very principles of order itself … are not … accepted by all ’ .
13 Another difficulty facing this definition or scope for pragmatics , is that it calls for some explicit characterization of the notion of context .
14 The real message of the BCS is that it calls into question assumptions about crime upon which people 's concern is founded .
15 Er , I think there are certain papers well further down er , the agenda that , that might be taken to P A G as well , in relation to capital programmes , so if , if we can possibly speak about the generality of the capital programme because I think the idea is that it goes to P A G for refinements .
16 The Convention 's strength is that it copes with their diversity and provides an effective mechanism acceptable to all .
17 It consists of three parallel cylinders of spongy tissue enclosed in an outer sheath of elastic skin and all we ask is that it stiffens on demand and performs its time-honoured functions without complaint .
18 One final point to be remembered about contributory negligence is that it differs in effect from a finding of negligence .
19 The essence of preaching or prayer is that it asks for a response now , not later .
20 The most likely understanding of this letter is that it relates to the subscription proposals .
21 But the problem with taking such an a priori stance is that it clashes with the nature of Christianity .
22 The fourth merit of Johnson 's approach is that it allows for mobility of jobs between categories , although he does not attach as much significance as Hughes ( 1958 ) to the efforts of the ‘ professionals ’ themselves in this regard .
23 And the reason for this , is that it belongs to a tradition , a fashion if you like , of writing , which went dramatically out of , out of fashion immediately after World War One .
24 The main problem with nitrogen oxide is that it contributes to forms of photochemical pollution such as ozone , which in high levels can cause eye , nose and throat irritation and affect the respiratory system attacking the lungs .
25 In fact one of the great things about this walk is that it keeps for most of the time to the shoulder of the fells so that they fall away steep sided below you giving you clear views out and down .
26 Mike Johnson , Trafalgar House 's Open Learning Manager , said ‘ The benefit of EBC is that it builds into a permanent resource library that can be continually used and referred to ’ .
27 Moscovitch therefore suggested that the reason why the right hemisphere shows so little language ability under normal circumstances is that it suffers from inhibitory control by the left hemisphere .
28 The point about folklore is that it has to be interpreted .
29 Mildew is not so very difficult to stop in the early stages , and there are several fungicides that will give it a severe check — all the chemical manufacturers have their own products and trade names which , like everything else , are constantly being improved and changed — but by far the most important point to bear in mind is that it has to be hit early and repeatedly .
30 There 's a lot of conservatism in the vocal world here , and they sometimes come to performances to compare if it 's louder or softer ; I like big voices and I 'm trying to collect every rich voice I can , does n't matter if it 's in Novosibirsk where we heard Gorchakova , but what I 'm saying is that it has to be a complex , not just a voice and something else , or not just actor and a bit of voice . ’
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