Example sentences of "[is] [conj] the [noun pl] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The one 's that the volunteers planted are thriving quite well .
2 Again they ask of what significance it is that the metaphors used for God in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are overwhelmingly male ? )
3 The first is that the views expressed here are the author 's and not necessarily those of the Law Commission .
4 Erm And the other factor that that 's introduced as well is that the powers got into the habit of meeting in congresses .
5 What you must recognize is that the answers given to the questions will affect the outcome of the research .
6 Rather , it is that the processes described in the previous chapter have continued during the more recent period .
7 What is important is that the studies outlined in this section have attempted to gain an insight into day-to-day practice .
8 The fourth element that the plaintiff has to prove is that the acts done by her were done in reliance on or as a result of her belief that she would become entitled to the deceased 's property on his death …
9 One reason for these differences of opinion is that the claims made for serotonin reuptake inhibitors are often based on the results of individual trials .
10 If Hizir Bey held a muftilik in Istanbul at all , then-and this is by no means certain-the reasonable conclusion both from the silence of the great majority of Turkish sources on the subject of Hizir Bey 's muftilik and from the evidence indicating Fahreddin Acemi 's preeminence vis-a-vis Hizir Bey is that the claims made by d'Ohsson and Hammer for Hizir Bey 's importance in his capacity as mufti are at the least exaggerated .
11 The key point about self-assembly is that the forms generated derive from the nature of the elements that make them up .
12 An alternative suggestion is that the substances produced by ants might supplement the birds ' preen oil in some way .
13 How different it was all to be , and the marvel of it is that the plans prepared in the period after 1945 proved as robust as they did for so long .
14 The danger of delegating responsibility to salespeople is that the criteria used to decide frequency of visit are ‘ friendliness with the buyer ’ or ‘ ease of sale ’ rather than sales potential .
15 The complaint about meat inspections in the United Kingdom is that the charges levied by different local authorities vary widely .
16 Wouters ' dilemma is that the changes identified as being part of the process of informalisation appear to involve declining rather than increasing levels of ‘ affect control ’ .
17 The implication is that the critiques developed by Castells and others have partly missed their targets .
18 One problem which this structure often creates , however , is that the skills gained in one curriculum area are rarely applied in another context .
19 ‘ The central principle which guides our work is that the skills needed to find and use information must be introduced and reinforced across the curriculum , within the normal day-to-day practice of subject teaching , ie teaching information handling should become integral to the act of teaching itself , and not an isolated entity demanding separate curriculum space .
20 One widespread assumption is that the documents shown to the Irish News were probably genuine , but this does not necessarily indicate an organisation is in operation .
21 The difficulty is that the letters written at the time by Wordsworth , while full of references to ‘ God ’ and ‘ fortitude ’ , can hardly be described as pious .
22 The penalty for all this housekeeping is that the files generated by the program do tend to get bigger and bigger as time goes on .
23 One of the great strengths of the Apple system in this respect is that the files produced on a Macintosh can be proofed on a LaserWriter and then run out , with no changes needed , on a true phototypesetter such as the Linotron 101 .
24 One of this country 's great strengths is that the burdens imposed by the Government on employing people are much lighter than in France and Germany .
25 The evidence of video films is that the police advanced at a trot and that at all times they were controlled .
26 The result of all this is that the terms contained in the Sale of Goods Act which are implied into a contract for the sale of goods will not apply to a computer software contract .
27 One advantage of the fact that it can often produce little contextual information in comparison with this massive material product is that the labels given to this material are often relatively arbitrary .
28 The key point about this example is that the features offered by a information medium only confer value and add to the medium 's utility if the customer wants the features and can use them .
29 Speaking at the launch of the port in London recently , Sir John Cullen , chairman of the HSC , said , ‘ The overall finding of the report is that the risks studied are tolerable but not negligible .
30 The important point to note as a summary here , is that the algorithms suggested for solving 30 out of 36 errors , would find the correct ( i.e. intended ) word by looking only at the top ranked candidate string , which neatly solves the problem described earlier of what to choose as a starting point for possible error correction , and avoids the potentially explosive situations .
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