Example sentences of "[is] [conj] [pers pn] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Er so thank you for coming and do n't forget the candidates and and Thank John personally for for for being such a very good er candidate in in this erm hustings , er but do n't leave the candidates to You must fee The people in Salford and Eccles and in er Worsley , who get the Manchester Evening News , Er It 's it 's that they they put lo there 's local issues is n't there ?
2 This is the some the th one of the things I was going to suggest about I was going to leave it till next meeting , is that we we try and organize ourselves so that we are not su Last year I found myself sitting there frantically writing names on raffle tickets , knowing I was going out to play in about ten minutes , but there was nobody there to take over .
3 And made one I think realise yet again why one is in politics and what it is that we you know , on progressive winger politics actually stand for .
4 No , well the key point is the key point is that they they have to have a period during which they have a track record of running those separate businesses , so that bidders will know the basis on which their bidding , now if if the franchising director , it 's entirely his decision , decides that er he 's not getting competitive enough bids or good enough bids , then yes British Rail would carry on , and this was clear right from the outset , would carry on running that particular
5 Now , generally speaking wi I I I 've act what I 've done for the re-sit paper is that I I pooled a load of questions , some of which went to the first paper and some of which went to the ne and some of which went to the re-sit paper so I do n't know which topics are coming up erm on the re-sit paper .
6 Yes what I It 's usual to say is that I I desire or direct that no more than two should prove it .
7 The other thing that 's been done , erm , and has been ongoing now for some months without too much success , but things seem to be moving a little bit , at least we 're told they are , is that I I pressed for , not really a presentation but a technical meeting , I wanted to get there there product engineers
8 And it seems to me that this Policy E two is not in line with with strategic guidance and if you 're not if you 're having that are there some special circumstances that mean that you have to explain particularly what it is that you you have to do .
9 The trouble is that it I know , I say I 'm going on about have n't got a copper and everything , then they walk up to the bar and pull out a great wad of notes
10 The difference with this baby is that he himself has selected the time at which he will display the pattern , rather than having it imposed on him by a mother 's pattern of giving care .
11 ONE OF THE beauties of cricket is that he who falls can rise again or , as the Captain once put it , ‘ He who normally fills an insignificant gap in the ramparts one day awakes to find his cannon blazing in glory . ’
12 The brief moral drawn at the end of the original French version of this tale is that he who trusts his wife more than himself will frequently regret it .
13 Thus the second safeguard is that he who wishes to serve the proceedings abroad must first obtain an exercise by the court of its discretion in his favour .
14 I tell you what I tell you what I tell you what all I knows here is that he I knows Rosie and Wendy .
15 Erm no I I honestly do n't think that er that the the problem is as big as as big as you you say it is and I I think the the structures are there to deal with that and if if people had you know if people used them then they would they would work and they from time to time that they are used and you know it it is not impossible to get rid of rid of a teacher in in the way you are suggesting .
16 You 'd think because we live on you know Woking is on top of us but it 's but it I notice that it was quite you know a time .
17 But individualism rests on the assumption that individuals are not like this : it is because they themselves contribute to the system of social life that they are so important in explaining it .
18 There is nothing behind the cartoon sofa and if you find anything it 's because you yourself have put it there .
19 Oh yeah , I think , I think it 's because I I had that severe hair style I think , you know I looked hard .
20 no , there 's more schools than that , cos er the lady said that er , she goes I 'm , cos there is when you he went what schools are these ? , and so reading out a couple of schools , about four of 'em
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