Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [adj] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 This is a ‘ management ’ exercise which is most effective when it is primarily the detailed work of the headteacher and staff , although governors must be involved at various key stages .
2 The experience , from what women say , is most helpful when it is non-verbal .
3 Our images of the house are continually modified by the actual houses we encounter , and our perceptions of their size , shape , order and limitations ; and the effect of this is most pronounced when we engage in attempts to alter , extend , or discover pleasure in some physical aspect of this materiality which may resist these constraints .
4 This effect is most pronounced when you 're beating .
5 One useful strategy in language learning is generalisation , but it is most noticeable when it exists as over-generalisation .
6 Her art is most successful when she takes on archetypal roles and makes her audience aware , simultaneously , of how immediately recognizable , widely shared and transparently obvious these roles are .
7 In the primary school , drama is most successful when it emerges as a natural development from children 's play .
8 For present purposes the judgment of Uthwatt J. in the Court of Appeal is most relevant when he said , at p. 88 :
9 The problem list is most useful when it can be easily displayed at team meetings .
10 The knowledge which research provides is most useful when it goes beyond description of events to providing a basis for future action .
11 The knowledge which research provides is most useful when it goes beyond a description of events to provide a basis for future action .
12 The problem is most difficult when it comes to the supplier 's sales and marketing people gaining access to decision-makers .
13 The importance of this association is most evident when it is broken , when careers are truncated or ‘ spoilt ’ , status is withdrawn and recognition seemingly denied .
14 Unfortunately , the ostrich approach is most inappropriate when it comes to systems security .
15 This sort of bureau is most happy when it is handling the complete job from design through to the final artwork and , in some cases , will even do the printing as well .
16 Many people say that sex is most fulfilling when it expresses the commitment , care , security and understanding of an exclusive friendship .
17 He is most relaxed when he is in the converted barn in Devon that is now his painting studio ; it is stone-floored and filled with light and quiet as a church .
18 He knows too that there are activities in which he is most intelligent when he is most spontaneous , in which to think may even be dangerous ; the ski jumper or the tightrope walker can not afford to hesitate and reflect .
19 and then it 's right warm when I come in .
20 We had the G A T talks held up for a lengthy period simply because the French wanted even more cash for agriculture and of course they got it and it 's rather silly when we 're spending two hundred and fifty million pounds a week on dumping and destroying food .
21 IT IS DEAD EASY when you see a quiz on television .
22 ‘ It 's a bit of an aphrodisiac apparently , ’ I explained — ‘ which is tremendously useful when you 've just done a two-and-a-half hour show , driven 45 minutes home , eaten a baked potato the size of a human foot , scrubbed off two layers of greasepaint , nose shading , violet eyeshadow and seemingly permanent mascara , brushed one and a half cans of lacquer off the split ends , flossed the gums , massaged the bridgework , popped the ear plugs over the acupuncture needle , put the airplane mask over the anti-ageing eye cream and — pièce de lack of résistance — applied the ‘ Tonic Bust ’ to prevent anything descending further south during the night .
23 While the fax machine is easy to use , it 's less attractive when it comes to mass faxing , as someone has to feed each document in and dial the destination .
24 It is especially weak when it is pulling against the expectations of firms and consumers , and when it is implemented too late .
25 The circle of radar is especially useful when you consider that most of their lives are spent in open water .
26 The accusation which expresses the righteous moral indignation of the accuser immediately puts the accused in the wrong ; and that is especially satisfying when you want a scapegoat to blame , or when you wish to gain an advantage over an enemy .
27 Psychological knowledge is unavoidably ambiguous , and this is especially clear when it involves relatively ill-defined , social aspects of subjectivity , like gender .
28 This rather negative view of later life is especially common when we consider mental health and , specifically , dementia .
29 Morrissey 's ‘ Englishness ’ is somewhat ironic when you consider that his parents and his entire extended family only arrived here during the '50s .
30 This is somewhat ironic when it is realized that local government has substantial resources that can not be used because of centrally-imposed prescriptions .
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