Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [prep] be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is rather like being able to draw a straight line tangent at any point on a smooth curve .
2 Section 14(1) provides that , subject to a dispensation granted by the Secretary of State for Transport , a fishing vessel is only to be eligible to be registered in the new register if :
3 Our daughter is soon to be married and I shall be giving her away , but she would like both her stepfather and myself to speak at the reception .
4 No specialist knowledge of computers is needed — there is a series of menus to help you select what to look for , and a ‘ Windows ’ version of the database is soon to be available .
5 It should go without saying these days that to be suffering from something psychosomatic is not to be guilty of lack of moral fibre , but to be exhibiting a condition the cause of which is , at least in part , psychological .
6 If post cold-war Europe is not to be violent and conflictual then the sources of rivalry and mistrust need to be addressed head-on .
7 If life is not to be pointless , there must be an ultimate reason for it .
8 If it is not to be mere rhetoric , then its scope has continually to be exercised and its limits stretched .
9 For one thing the performance must be emotionally convincing , if it is not to be ludicrous ; a requirement rendered even more urgent by the technical impossibility , in mainstream cinema , of showing the act itself .
10 But this desperation is not to be stereotyped ; it is not so much the result of being a man , not even of being a ‘ real ’ man , but rather of being psychically and sexually locked into the fantasies and fears of sexual difference .
11 ‘ One thing I must remember to teach you while you are working for me , Shelley , is not to be afraid to be beautiful .
12 The most important point to grasp , then , is not to be afraid to close .
13 To be masculine is not to be feminine .
14 This is not to be confused with her own personal feelings .
15 This is not to be confused with the framing of part of a limitless series , a microcosmic view of the macrocosm .
16 The prod is not to be confused with the caress which gently brushes a surface .
17 Geomagnetic north is not to be confused with the geographic north pole , at 90N , about 770 miles to the north of both the magnetic and geomagnetic poles .
18 The organisation of the Catholic church is not to be confused with that of the Ministry of Transport or police department .
19 It is not to be confused with various autobiographies but those expecting warts to be exposed will be disappointed .
20 This is not to be confused with the alienation of spirit where we are alone with ourselves .
21 Supersaurus is not to be confused with Megalosaurus ( 'giant reptile' ) , a lizard-hipped carnosaur living in the Jurassic and the very first dinosaur to be named and described , looking like a smaller Tyrannosaurus .
22 Carnival in Madeira is not to be confused with Carnival in Rio de Janeiro .
23 This is not to be confused with our old friend the ‘ lazy eight ’ ( as illustrated in Fig 5.3 ) described earlier .
24 The individual 's congenitally imperfect constitution is commonly described as his nature , but is not to be confused with his basic nature .
25 ( This is not to be confused with the notion of symptom substitution which is an entirely different concept and not in any way relevant to this material . )
26 But it has to be formulated more precisely if it is not to be confused with other crimes which have the dubious distinction of sharing these aphorismic characteristics .
27 These collapse , shrivel and dry as though scorched — but this is not to be confused with frost scorch .
28 The European Council is not to be confused with the Council of Europe , based in Strasbourg , and founded in 1949 to organise cooperation between European parliamentary democracies and raise awareness of what Europe means in cultural terms ( by means , for example , of a series of large exhibitions , of which the Vikings show currently in Paris is one , see p. 13 ) .
29 This is not to be confused with a condescending adoption of pupil style , which they are quick to read as false ( even when it is a genuine identification ) .
30 An aggro leader is not to be confused with a ‘ good fighter ’ for , because of the peculiar nature of aggro , * he might never have to do any fighting at all .
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