Example sentences of "[is] [adv] [verb] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's somewhere to hang my hat .
2 When I 'm put beneath the ground , every penny I own … every piece of property , every square inch of land , every stick of furniture and even the clothes on my back … it 's all to go my son .
3 At least I admit that it 's all to boost my ego , restore my pride and give me pleasure , not to save the country or uphold justice or honour the dead .
4 John 's already stolen my thunder on the straw poll erm that I was going to do but suffice to say that we normally do that at these types of seminars and there 's always a few people in the room who put their hands up and say they 've got more than ten data sources in their organization .
5 The excitement is already affecting my breathing .
6 ‘ It 's just catching my breath a bit , really .
7 Yeah , but it 's not touching my mouth , look .
8 ‘ My main influence is always make my subject matter — the landscape and its people . ’
9 Philip is still holding my hand , and I say nothing .
10 The Inland Revenue is still rejecting my claim for a deduction in respect of the training expenses of a driving instructor with the British School of Motoring incurred prior to his beginning his trade ( see ACCOUNTANCY , November 1992 , p 81 ) .
11 ‘ She 's always taken my advice before . ’
12 Erm , it 's like to keep my day planned out but , like the district manager might walk in or people might go off sick , and then you have to fill somebody in to that position .
13 That is clearly pleaded my Lord now unless I can call Mr to say er yes it is er I can not deal with .
14 He 's really made my life different , this little dog .
15 It 's really made my day , to discover that there 's someone in the world who still does n't know who the seven major shareholders in GEC , Westinghouse , Con Edison , NBC , and CBS are ! ’
16 This small group ( within the larger group , the organization ) is often called my role set or my team , and it is their transmitted expectations which affect my performance most of the time .
17 And as for the National Health Service , well , it is n't financing my work now !
18 ‘ You still expect me to believe that your purpose here is n't to steal my Knudsen ? ’
19 Martina , she 's even cured my tinnitus .
20 My nice smile is almost splitting my face .
21 It 's no use my telling you what it is — she might not agree , and then it would only be a waste of time . ’
22 ‘ In fact , it 's been one of the most exciting things that I 've worked on and it 's certainly changed my career . ’
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