Example sentences of "[is] [pron] [det] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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31 If life is nothing more than a moving from one activity to the next it is not surprising if we become restless , cluttered and superficial .
32 Indeed , so Sir Karl assures us , Science really is nothing more than a continuous abandonment of ideas shown by objective , scientific inquiry , to be untenable .
33 There are those who remain unconvinced of the benefits of a good environmental audit , arguing that the process is nothing more than a shallow , expensive public relations exercise .
34 ‘ The state is nothing more than a machine for the oppression of one class by another . ’
35 Yet those who know Diana know this is nothing more than a working business arrangement .
36 When people first encounter it their normal assumption is that an alternate universe is nothing more than a ‘ what might have been ’ ; science-fiction writers have toyed with that idea for decades .
37 The table is nothing more than a rough guide , not an order of merit .
38 Despite the suspicions the adventurers will surely have , this is nothing more than a standard mirror with no magical properties whatsoever — unless you decide to add some , of course .
39 Quite a few people argue that managed competition is nothing more than a compromise , cobbled together to make sure that the mighty insurers and high-tech hospitals stay in business .
40 Wood 's principles are those of Loudon more than three decades later : ‘ a palace is nothing more than a cottage IMPROVED ’ , he wrote .
41 This is nothing more than a deaggregation of larger line items .
42 To oppose them is a patriotic act ; their own use of national flags and symbols is nothing more than a sham masking their terroristic inclinations .
43 It is like pedigree dogs — a pedigree is special but a cross-breed is nothing more than a mongrel .
44 Too many people believe football is nothing more than a game , but you and I know it to be so much more .
45 " It could n't happen to me and , even if it does , we have all got to die sometime " is a common self-justification that almost belies belief when it is considered that a life threatening " pleasure " is nothing more than a mere cigarette .
46 A good picture is nothing more than a perfect equilibrium , that is to say a balance of weights and a harmony of numbers .
47 The right of assembly , as PROFESSOR DICEY puts it ( LAW OF THE CONSTITUTION ( 8TH Edn. ) p. 499 ) , is nothing more than a view taken by the courts of individual liberty of speech .
48 Thus , it is nothing more than a clearing house which does nothing in its own right .
49 The Mammoth Cave of Kentucky is nothing more than a rather larger Americanised version of Wookey Hole in Somerset or the Dan-yr-Ogof caves in South Wales .
51 Plainly by the defensive introduction that you have written in the results publication , we are not the only people wondering whether the BAIE is nothing more than a self-serving cabal .
52 I could sidle up to the hi-fi and turn it off , snap on the light-switch and announce quite calmly to all the sycophants here that Luke Denner is nothing more than a callous murderer .
53 This denial is exposed by the strategy of ‘ family planning ’ in our country , which is nothing more than a pillar of the apartheid programme .
54 The citizens charter is nothing more than a glossy confection .
55 Behind her I could see into what is rather optimistically known as the vestry — which is nothing more than a curtained-off area of the floor , rather like what you might see in a hospital casualty ward .
56 The play is nothing more than a succession of her venomous attacks on the sons ’ girls and the sons ' unbelievably feeble attempts to fight back .
57 The exhibition therefore is nothing more than a rerun of Celant 's European power-broking of the lat 1960s , a European and specifically a Milanese challenge to America 's claim to the avant-garde which nevertheless included many successful ( male ) American artists of the period .
58 ‘ The fact that , after five years of separation , I 'm still married to Ross is nothing more than a mere technicality ! ’
59 For f— 's sake , Morrissey is nothing more than an enormously overrated writer of terminally dull pop songs and now for some obscure reason is regarded as the new rock messiah by every spotty , snot-nosed sixth former in Britain , as well as most of the English music press who should know better .
60 ‘ The cookery book ’ Oakeshott writes , ‘ is not an independently generated beginning from which cooking can spring ; it is nothing more than an abstract of somebody 's knowledge of how to cook : it is the stepchild , not the parent of the activity . ’
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