Example sentences of "[is] [pron] [adv] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's nothing particularly interesting to find out , I assure you .
2 ‘ There 's nothing really radical to say about it , ’ said Lydia , not looking up from her letter .
3 I agree with Kev — I reckon 3–1 is a good bet for tomorrow.But one word of warning … years of painful experience has taught me one golden rule in football betting — NEVER back your own team — there 's nothing more guaranteed to jinx them .
4 This is a pity , as in my experience there is nothing as satisfying to make as a chair .
5 While she should be applauded for tackling such diverse subject matter — sadly , there is nothing really unique to mark her out from her peers .
6 It reads : ‘ It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan , more uncertain of success , nor more dangerous to manage , than the creation of a new order of things . ’
7 It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan , more uncertain of success , or more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new order of things .
8 There is nothing more difficult to take in hand , more perilous to conduct , or more uncertain in its success , than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things .
9 There is nothing more likely to cause ill-feeling than a large dog rushing through , demolishing a child 's sandcastle or trailing sand through a picnic !
10 At a time when we are becoming more and more dependent on electronic devices , it is none too early to regulate interference : fly-by-wire aircraft and computer safety controls are no longer futuristic .
11 Unfortunately it is a very barren group , and when I first went to the southern hemisphere I had difficulty in identifying the pole star , Sigma Octantis , which is only of magnitude 5.5 , and is none too easy to see with the naked eye unless the sky is really dark and clear .
12 ‘ The other lad 's none too savoury neether , ’ Bob Crayshaw complained .
13 " Crist see well she shuld haue be dampned for synne " so he appeared to her in her sleep , wounded as in his Passion , and told her to put her hand into his side and even to feel his internal organs and heart , commenting that if he is thus open with her , why is she so ashamed to reveal to him the secrets of her heart ?
14 We will write to you again whenever there is something more concrete to report .
15 Clearly there is something very important going on in this move , and at one level it is indeed a necessary corrective to the textual isolationism of much modernist criticism .
16 perhaps we have to look at the societal thing in that there 's something very macho seen as macho about football in Scotland which is stand on the terraces with a short sleeve shirt in zero degrees and having someone urinate down your leg and
17 There has never been a single definitive statement of what are British objectives for policy in the EEC ; nor is it wholly reasonable to expect one .
18 Is it wholly chimerical to hope that a newly elected Tory government with an unassailable majority might do its duty , however painful for itself , and take the first steps to reverse this pernicious evil and restore the tried and tested order of our ancestors by which only those fitted to rule have any right to elect the government of this country under the Crown ?
19 But is it also realistic to assume that the West might tolerate it if Mr Gorbachev decided that the Romanian people , not unlike the people of Panama , deserve to enjoy democracy , and that the Soviet Union should send some of its military across the border to dispose of the Ceausescu family and their killer Securitas forces ?
20 Is it also true to say that their guess is often no better than your own ?
21 Is it just naive to hope that a voluntary system will work ?
22 Is it particularly difficult to get in as a chemist , for example ?
23 Is it strictly true to say that ‘ An act done before the giving of a promise to make a payment or to confer some benefit can sometimes be consideration for the promise ’ ?
24 Not only is it extremely easy to go the wrong way , and indeed many businesses have foundered on the basis of one , usually inadvertent , mistaken direction , but all of us are aware that a lot of businesses are n't going anywhere at all .
25 Nor is it inevitably fair to dismiss someone once his rights pursuant to any such scheme are exhausted .
26 Is it actually feasible to reduce social matter to components of time and space ?
27 Is it actually safe to fly ?
28 Is it enough just to give orders and instructions , or is the field of communication wider ?
29 . You m is it really well is it very well commented at all ?
30 Nor , despite its supposed importance in terms of national security , is it very well paid .
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