Example sentences of "[is] [art] [adv] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The metope is the earliest I know in monumental art , but the splendid little cup with Theseus and Sinis ( fig. 99 ) anticipates it .
2 This recipe is the closest I 've ever seen to the one which our family cook Rhoda would make , months in advance of Christmas .
3 For Machu Picchu is the closest I have come to a Mecca , a once-in-my-lifetime destination and , like the route to Mecca , each Inca trail has deep and hidden roots in a life long before one pins Cuzco on the map .
4 In fact , my dogs eat the supermarket 's own brand and I seldom change my car ; paying double for my dinner is the nearest I get to it , to being Imelda , or Ivana , but it makes me feel good .
5 ‘ It is the nearest I have come to being smacked .
6 Sam Fawcett used to keep a stuffed one in a glass case , which is the nearest I have ever been to one .
7 ‘ He 's the nearest I 've ever seen him to snappish , for someone constitutionally incapable of bad temper .
8 It 's the closest I 've been to my ideal live setup , really .
9 It 's the lowest I have been after a Wales game for at least 18 months .
10 After unsettling your seating plan and delaying dinner for forty minutes that 's the least I owe you . ’
11 It 's the least I owe you in the circumstances .
12 Erm while the rest er live in the lap of luxury I mean maybe that 's a well I do n't know I do n't think it is an exaggeration really the way things are heading .
13 Right there 's a so I mean say
14 I think so and that 's a fairly I mean it 's not gon na be heavy moral point here is it but while it shows up you can treat a woman as an object in this way do n't you think ?
15 It is a right I reserve for all adults and one of the nicest things about being my age is that I can do whatever I like .
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