Example sentences of "[is] [art] [noun sg] [prep] another " in BNC.

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1 Flanking him as it were is the wife of another familiar figure and quintet member , Virginsky .
2 Alan Pugh is the secretary of another group of initials , BFICC , which stands for the British Facsimile Industry Consultative Committee .
3 An idea or statement which is the opposite of another : He is happy but not rich is the converse of He is rich but not happy .
4 That is the subject for another article .
5 By the side of Mrs Van Butchell is the body of another woman , embalmed by a different process about the same period : she is even more ugly than her neighbour .
6 The reason for this is that an express covenant as to one branch of the covenant implied by the word " demise " excludes the other branch on the principle that expressio unius est exclusio alterius ( the expression of one thing is the exclusion of another ) ( Miller v Emcer Products Ltd [ 1956 ] Ch 304 ) .
7 To everybody else it is a mildly bustling West Indian tourist haven where , between rum drinks , the biggest excitement is the arrival of another cruise ship .
8 Higher up the col , almost indeed on the very top , there is the mouth to another gouffre , with a frail wooden fence around it , into which you can with difficulty peer .
9 Secondly , there is the attempt by another contemporary , Ernst Bloch , to , as it were , reinvent the category of utopia for Marxism by introducing into the field , for possible reuse , the Erbe — the heritage of the world 's pre-capitalist cultural past .
10 The " deejaying aspect of the music " mentioned by Bones is the basis of another art form , " toasting " or the public recitation of metric , rhyming verse .
11 The Fox 's previous wife is the focus of another set of stories .
12 More deliberate ( as one would expect ) is the oscillation of another ruler disguised to enquire into the behaviour of his subjects , King Henry V. On the eve of Agincourt , dressed as a commoner , the King moves among his soldiers speaking prose .
13 The one clear innovation in Formen , however , is the introduction of another type of social system variously referred to as the Asiatic , or oriental mode of production .
14 This is the start of another great two pitch climb which forges its way up impressive rock at a reasonable grade : Pothole Wall , VS 4c , 5a .
15 Each department acts as if it is the purchaser of another department 's production and then ‘ sells ’ on materials that it has processed for the next stage of production .
16 The latter is the purview of another axis in which elected Field Chairs are the most significant individuals .
17 But it is the staging post for the final leg which takes the long distance route to Fort William — and it 's the beginning of another fine walk which , like the Way , skirts the heights of the Mamore range to reach scenic Glen Nevis .
18 Tony also owns an almost non-flying ‘ Flying Flea ’ ( but that 's a tale for another time ) ; the two aeroplanes are contemporary .
19 Anyway , as I have said , that 's a tale for another time .
20 The scenario has left Lewis , who believed he had a cast iron agreement to fight Bowe or Holyfield after his stunning knockout of Razor Ruddock a fortnight ago , thinking he 's a victim of another Bruno panto script .
21 Whether they only had four flats or whether there 's a flat on another block and another block of fours down the road .
22 There is no point in another try at partial co-ordination .
23 The taxpayer was incorporated in Hong Kong on 17 June 1975 and is a subsidiary of another Hong Kong company , HK-TVB Ltd .
24 We know that the end of this life is a gateway into another life , far more wonderful than anything we have yet experienced .
25 or C , a play that is a hoax on another play
26 When you say standard uniform , that is a variant from another type of uniform ?
27 Figure 22.2 is a sketch of another pattern from a similar experiment ( the lines correspond to bright lines in the shadowgraph ) .
28 S = ( N , p ) where N is a naive state , and p is a pointer to another such pair .
29 Having said that , a diet low in saturated fat protects against several other potentially fatal diseases — notably diabetes , breast cancer and gallstones — but that is a subject for another day .
30 The position may be complicated still further in cases where an officer of one authority is a councillor in another .
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