Example sentences of "[is] [art] [noun] for [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe this is the year for finding out .
2 At this point a key question remains unanswered : what is the prescription for transporting the vector at P through curved space–time to P ’ so that its components at P ’ and hence the changes in these components can be evaluated ?
3 In effect , since energy is the capacity for doing work , all energy may be considered to be stored energy .
4 The staff meeting is the theatre for celebrating heroes , improving self-image and boosting morale .
5 What is the procedure for using the cash register ?
6 Indeed , the advocacy of the multi disciplinary CMHT is based precisely on the observation that services for mentally handicapped people are fragmented ; the CMHT is the vehicle for developing a comprehensive and articulated service system .
7 The initial phase of the training is as much about learning as it is about skills development and the multi agency study groups system in Lothian which underpin this package is the vehicle for achieving this .
8 Surely television is the medium for getting to know personalities , but the press is the medium for a detailed understanding of the issues ?
9 Complementary to its role as banker to the government is the responsibility for administering the public sector debt .
10 Let them know that you are always delighted to have them drop in but that it is the responsibility for having children on their own you find too much .
11 The 1 box is the heading for entering the number of millimetres equal to 40 rows .
12 The outgoing doctor — a Glaswegian called Dave Robertson — gave me a half hour tour of the makeshift clinic saying , ‘ this is the microscope for malaria slides , this is the operating table , this is the equipment for pulling out teeth …
13 As discussed earlier in this chapter , the Conservatives counter with the argument that the generation of wealth is the pre-requisite for increasing social spending programmes .
14 This is the rationale for determining the basal subtracted EC 5 in some previous studies .
15 Proof of the cuscus ' close relationship to the kangaroo is the pouch for holding its young , common to all marsupials , also its comb-like hind claws which it shares with the kangaroo .
16 Also useful , I 'm sure , is the facility for ironing curtains , upholstery , and even jackets and shirts vertically .
17 It is the organisation for collecting and distributing that provision which changes .
18 One somewhat unconventional data source is the newspaper for reconstructing past event-frequency and character and a series of studies by M.G. Pearson ( e.g. Pearson , 1978 ) analysed the incidence of eighteenth and nineteenth-century weather conditions in Scotland based upon reports in newspapers .
19 The Hermitage has confirmed that June is the date for showing the drawings and watercolours removed from the Kunsthalle in Bremen in 1945 .
20 Force is the precondition for compelling the majority of people to accept this pretension .
21 If nations imply national States , there can be no State without a territory to administer , so a common territory is the precondition for asserting a claim to the right of national self-determination .
22 THIS IS the day for signing in and checking out fellow schmoozers ; for ploughing through the completely bewildering gig schedule , and trying to work out just how we 're going to survive the next 100 hours without losing any important internal organs .
23 The case when there exist two commuting Killing vectors , which is the case for colliding plane waves , has also been considered ( Geroch , 1972 ) .
24 Unfortunately for Kemp , however , Cedric Downes discovered the guilty pair in flagrante delicto , which as you will remember , Lewis , is the Latin for having your pants down .
25 Sneering is the dialect for making an ugly face ; and the best — or the worst ? — sneerer took the prize .
26 Read British Standard 5325:1983 — your local reference library may be able to lend you a copy : this is the code for installing textile floorcoverings .
27 High as is the priority for promoting legislation , when the time comes the Home Secretary is not in the position of an artist free to fill the canvas with the products of his own inspiration .
28 In general , however , this is the limit for pulling data off the disc .
29 The first … is the arrangement for bringing to the Joint Intelligence Organisation 's attention information other than intelligence reports .
30 What is the timetable for investigating a merger ?
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