Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [conj] [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 John Tavener 's cello work The Protecting Veil is hymn-like and bordering on the minimalist .
2 Of course , timing is all-important when embarking on such a programme .
3 ‘ It 's cheaper than experimenting on people , and there are far fewer risks and restrictions .
4 Yeah , I know not all the time , but it 's better than sitting on your fat arse at home in n it .
5 WHAT 's worse than standing on the ice in the middle of a river when the temperature is below freezing ?
6 It 's safer than driving on the road . ’
7 At the simplest level this means deciding that someone wearing , say , a skirt in our society is female and acting on the basis of this decision , or deciding that someone shouting at the top of his or her voice is excited or angry and acting accordingly .
8 This book concentrates on expert determination where the expert is appointed by the parties to a contract to make a decision which is final and binding on them .
9 And today even though she 's free , the Baroness is bankrupt and living on state benefit .
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