Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [verb] [adv] [n mass] " in BNC.

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1 Riverside is looking for about 50 to 60 franchisees in the next year and they estimate it is possible to earn about £1,500 a week .
2 Because of the cash shortage , the government is having difficulty selling bonds to finance its huge six-year national infrastructure programme , which is likely to cost over $100 billion .
3 If the council decides to press ahead with the light rail transit scheme , the first phase is likely to cost around £68m .
4 The first edition of the Anatomy , Descriptive & Surgical ( 1858 ) with 363 wood engravings , is likely to fetch around £200 .
5 Next month it is likely to get only 1% .
6 It believes Unix is unlikely to capture even 10% of the 32-bit commercial desktop market , falling way short of the 20% or 30% needed to get broad market , ISV and channel support .
7 The unit argues that traffic on motorways and urban roads is unlikely to increase over 50% , so the main impact will fall on rural byways which are not equipped to cope with such a volume of vehicles .
8 So , so , I believe it 's alright to say well people will migrate in the presence of , it 's rational for a person to migrate in the presence of , of high unemployment if high unemployment only refers to the formal sector , but it 's not rational if it implies that it refers to informal and formal .
9 BCE Inc says it is ready to invest about $1,600m in telecommunications activities over the next five years in Asia , Latin America and Eastern Europe , and is interested in wireline privatisations , investment in wireless cellular licenses and joint ventures in both in different countries in those regions ; it has active negotiations with Mexico , India and Moscow for cellular licence investments , and is Cable & Wireless Plc 's partner in Mercury Communications Ltd ; BCE president L R Wilson also criticised Canada 's ‘ uncertain and confused ’ telecommunications regulatory framework , describing it as BCE 's biggest challenge , and calling for change ; at the annual meeting , he hit out at the policies of the Canadian Radio television & Telecommunications Commission , saying it is too slow in considering new products , services and rates — ‘ To be truly competitive , we need government policy and a regulatory framework which is clear , responsive and internationally relevant , ’ he said .
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