Example sentences of "[is] [adj] [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If a middle-aged housewife is incapable of managing her home-life because of perpetual problems with her " nerves " for which she is-on medicinal treatment from her doctor , she may well be chemically dependant on alcohol or prescription drugs or both .
2 He was sitting still looking at the book with an Art-Is Wonderful air about him ( for my benefit , not because he believes it , of course ) .
3 Less evident , however , is extensive consciousness of its essentially political nature , involving conflict over control of scarce resources between North and South , that is between affluent and less developed regions of the world .
4 MDC 's broad emphasis in its draft area strategies , on less prestigious physical projects and on commercial and industrial development suggests it now views its primary task in business development and employment creation terms .
5 ‘ Since , however , he is away for a couple of days , there is little possibility of your doing that ! ’
6 I have ruined everything , and Aycliffe says there is little hope of your succeeding in a contest with Araminta . ’
7 But there is little likelihood of them giving home advantage to Garvey who have gone 32 games without defeat in the competition and need to win it for a record sixth time on the trot to reach Europe next year .
8 Some scientists who think that there is little likelihood of there being any other technological civilization in the Galaxy agree that the approach is Indeed ‘ uniquely logical ’ — and have gone on from there to support their own case .
9 The landlady is clearly not yet up and about , suggesting there is little chance of her serving breakfast earlier than her declared time of seven thirty .
10 Minor thefts , for example , may not be reported as the victims feel there is little chance of them getting their goods back or of the offender getting caught .
11 He believes that there is little chance of him finding a job in the near future .
12 It is now entrenched so deeply there is little chance of it being overturned .
13 But I an afraid there is little chance of your defeating King Michael 's champion . "
14 So there is little chance of our newsreaders breaking off , US-style , from a headline story to extol the virtues of a brand of paint , or even a national newspaper .
15 Whilst social provision allows retired people to exist , there is little scope for them to grow or make full use of their later years .
16 There is little space in which students can develop individually or subvert the ‘ knowledge ’ of the department .
17 There is little doubt in my mind that the case was Nitric Acid from the very beginning but nevertheless given the imperfectness of my prescriptions the gentle stimulation of the vitality by the 50 millesimal potencies uncovered the necessary clues in the end .
18 But there is little doubt in my mind that the future will only go to the large company if that large company is really able to release the energies and the synergies that ought to be a part of the grand design and make more than the sum of the parts .
19 Under these circumstances , there is little doubt in my mind that the supposed advantages of support teaching are more than outweighed by the disadvantages which it presents .
20 The Somali nation has broken down into its tribes and there is little trust between them .
21 Because there is no alternative local model of development , there is little resistance to what is imposed upon us , with its resulting social disintegration and violence .
22 But there is little evidence of it yet .
23 The theory is elegant , but unfortunately there is little evidence in its favour .
24 South of the River Nene , the pattern of intra- and extra-mural land-use and structural build-up is surprisingly clear , though there is little evidence upon which to base a discussion of its development .
25 Certainly there is little coherence in her timetabled day : indeed perversely its very staccato pattern is a feature Susie quite enjoys .
26 But there is little leeway for anything to go wrong .
27 As yet , there is little consensus on what mathematics can appropriately be assessed orally .
28 So there is little check on them , except by referring to clinical case material for prohibitions or actions analogous to those in the tribe .
29 Although there is little sign of it at present , the two funding bodies may eventually merge .
30 Most schools have a selection of resources based upon a white , ethnocentric curriculum , and publishers and producers still feel there is little market for anything else .
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