Example sentences of "[is] [verb] on [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A very high priority is placed on both issues .
2 The information which may be derived from an assessment can be roughly divided into two types : first , there is the information which is obtained from the assessment procedures and , second , there is the interpretation which is placed on this information .
3 " This organ is situated on each side of that of Veneration , and extends under part of the frontal and part of the parietal bones .
4 Since then , this deserted corner of King 's Reach Tower has been my spiritual home , but I gradually overcame the contemptuous disdain which is heaped on all outsiders and now , finally , I feel the natives are accepting me as one of their own .
5 The Advisory Committee 's only function is to report on such references .
6 And the panel 's role is to report on those issues .
7 The latter is a book in which the author is firing on all cylinders .
8 GERMANY IS firing on all cylinders these days , and labels like MFS epitomise where the scene is headed over there .
9 Your Reticular Activating System is firing on all cylinders , your cortex is turning somersaults .
10 Despite cruelty and sinfulness there is a common sense of the moral and spiritual universe which is binding on all persons .
11 However , if one party is to bear the costs of the other it is important to specify this in the heads and ensure it is binding on all parties .
12 The Tax Faculty believes that an employer should be able to negotiate a settlement that is binding on both departments .
13 The introduction to the heads will specify that the clause is binding on both parties and is not subject to contract .
14 If however the desired labour supply exceeds that demanded , L D , the consumer is rationed on this market and utility is maximized subject to the constraint L s = L D ( the process of rationing is assumed to be such that each worker is employed for the same fraction of the desired L s ) .
15 The issues are extremely complex and little understood by the public , so no great attention is fastened on these debates and concessions can be made without apparent loss of face .
16 What you will need fundamentally is to hit on some situation that puts the greatest stress imaginable on a person not too dissimilar from yourself or from the majority of your readers .
17 Advice is given on any student matter .
18 The light 's flashing on this screen you know ,
19 From this analysis of the statement of claim it is clear that all the plaintiffs ' claims against the third defendant are based upon allegations of fraud of one kind or another and that no relief is claimed on any basis which does not involve fraud .
20 Greater light is shed on this aspect by the account books of Corelli 's patrons , Pamphili and Ottoboni which list all the musicians employed by their respective households .
21 ‘ All sins will be forgiven the sons of men , and whatever blasphemies they utter ; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness … for they said , ‘ He has an unclean spirit ’ ' More light is shed on this verse by the form in which it occurs in the ‘ Q ’ material ( sayings of Jesus preserved in Matthew and Luke independently of Mark ) .
22 The site of Castlerigg stone circle in the Lake District is an example , where the plateau on which it is sited is surrounded on all sides by mountain peaks .
23 The village of Villedommange is surrounded on all sides by vineyards which are a continuation northwards of the slopes of Écueil and Sacy .
24 The fact that the country is surrounded on all sides by South Africa is ‘ not a bad thing ’ : it enables 50,000 Lesothan men to work in South African mines , returning with their ‘ pockets bursting with rands ’ .
25 It is thus characteristic of traditional mytho-history that the real world of experience is surrounded on all sides by another world of the imagination which is inhabited by superhuman gods on the one hand and by sub-human unnatural monsters on the other : dog-headed men , men with tails , Amazonian women , cannibals , giants .
26 The town , known to have had the status of a vicus , is surrounded on all sides by numerous kiln sites and workshops which are everywhere interspersed with agricultural features and a number of substantial extra-mural houses or villas .
27 Today , the mill stands on the site of a busy gravel pit , and is surrounded on several sides by large mounds of gravel .
28 According to Miller , Galanter & Pribram ( 1960 ) , behaviour is organised on several levels of complexity .
29 You obviously need to know what 's happening on each side of the hedge .
30 One use for an optical aid for pupils with tunnel vision that is designed on this principle is for mobility since it helps to increase the extent of the visual panorama .
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