Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [conj] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then it is also objected that utilitarian thinking , which has reached its apotheosis in modern cost benefit analysis , regards all values as commensurable , and therefore thinks of every harm as something which can be compensated for , reaching , it is felt , particularly repellent extremes when the value of a human life is calculated as something to be set against the goods achieved by a motorway or by economy in safety precautions at a factory .
2 One positive approach to the acceptance of other special equipment is to explain its use to fully sighted pupils , let them see it and use it so that it is regarded as something of interest to everyone .
3 While dermatology is regarded as something of a Cinderella subject in medicine — in Oxford at least , skin patients are being treated in the most up-to-the-minute facilities .
4 Because the budget speech is regarded as something of a marathon , the Chancellor of the Exchequer — and only the Chancellor — is by tradition allowed on Budget day to bring alcohol into the chamber of the House .
5 The whole solution to this problem might cost you less than £10 , and even that outlay is allowing for lots of future use .
6 It is considered that something in the region of 40g daily should be quite sufficient to protect your health in all the ways which have been described , and to make it much easier for you to control your weight in the future .
7 It is reported that everyone in the area has lost a relative as a direct result of pollution .
8 Now it is recommended that we in section nine and four A , in brackets four , someone move .
9 In addition , and in recognition of the difficult position of the landowner on whose land the find is made but who in law has no claim to any precious objects , trespassing in search of treasure would carry a maximum £5000 fine .
10 FAST 's biosociety is seen as something to be achieved within existing relations of production .
11 Thus reading is seen as something like ‘ thinking under the stimulus of print ’ , with the reader — rather than the text — being at the core of the process :
12 The Merlin sleeping bag is rated as one to two season and comes with a well designed zip .
13 Grant and the rest , however , believe the fans should know how the board feels about Celtic 's crisis , but it is thought that no-one on the board wants Brady 's resignation .
14 It is thought that none of the selection of vintage aircraft sold , the Stearman , for example , reaching £30,000 against a reasonably realistic estimate of £35–38,000 .
15 It is anticipated that one in five Britons will be carers by the turn of the century .
16 In five years a machine is counted as nothing in the balance sheet , but people count and age makes them more experienced , gives them better judgement — if they 're capable of learning , which most people are .
17 It is known that none of the three thousand or so of letters were received by the children until their return home .
18 The object of the evening is to demonstrate that we at Motorlux place great emphasis on total customer care regardless of their sex or knowledge of the workings of the modern motor car .
19 In Marxist thought and practice this relation is posed as one between class and party , and it has been a matter of controversy since the end of the nineteenth century , expressed in the most diverse forms , extending from Michels ' reflections upon the ‘ iron law of oligarchy ’ to Lenin 's conception of the Bolshevik Party , theoretically elaborated by Lukács .
20 It is estimated that one in three people will develop cancer at some stage in their lives .
21 In Glasgow , for instance , it 's estimated that one in five men never eats vegetables of any kind and one third of the population never knowingly consumes fruit .
22 It 's estimated that one in three of us will end up caring for someone .
23 Additionally , the aforementioned bank of LEDs indicates which mode is selected , whether or not the TriAxis 's effects loop is engaged and which of the preamp 's outboard switches is activated .
24 Erm I mean one way to do it of course is to say that none of our water 's fit for drinking , and you all get bottled water then would n't you .
25 In theory this sounds quite unrealistic but the worker is reassured that none of these topics need be committed to memory .
26 Paul is declaring that none of the things we boast about , or trust in — intellect , upbringing , orthodoxy , good life , and so on — are vehicles of salvation .
27 It is implied that anybody with mental illness in the community who refuses medication might be compelled to take it .
28 For rule utilitarianism , in contrast , once a rule is shown to be felicific , it is established as something to be obeyed , unless perhaps in very special cases , and is not to be considered merely as one factor to be weighed against others .
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