Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [prep] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Often the key to success is maintaining at least a pair of species , and sometimes even a small group with one male and a few females is desirable .
2 The results showed that the orbitosphenoid in amphisbaenians , though apparently homologous to the same structure in lizards , is formed in quite a different way .
3 Hang on John , all this will do is make at least a quarter of our own members , in this union , to be inactive in their own industries .
4 Different centres of excellence will usually offer courses in their own specialism ; you may find you have to work away from home on secondment if your first choice is limited to only a few specialist centres .
5 A beautiful grade II listed Regency building , it is furnished in both an antique and modern style .
6 When Malcolm James 's book Born of the Desert — the reminiscences of a doctor with the 1st S.A.S. in the Western Desert — appeared in 1945 , a reviewer wrote : ‘ All men have conscience , but it is given to only a few to have the selflessness to stride out into battle and , by themselves undertaking the combat that has to be done by someone , to satisfy its insistence … ’
7 A second limitation is that the duration of the effect with standard doses is confined to only a few minutes before the drug diffuses around the circle of Willis and into the opposite hemisphere .
8 Thus the GSM pre-filter which it is claimed with just a litre of Siporax will not just filter , but perform complete filtration for 20 fish 12″ long , and with room for three litres will filter to 70 fish 12″ long .
9 Knowledge of the law relating to control of water pollution , beyond a broad conception of the pollution offences , however , is regarded as unimportant and is claimed by only a small minority of field men , because the job is done ‘ by experience ’ and the application of rules-of-thumb — not ‘ by the book ’ .
10 The discourse analyst , with his ‘ ordinary language ’ data , is committed to quite a different view of the rule-governed aspects of a language .
11 To offer such intercession is considered at least a presumption and at worst occultist , using the magic of candles .
12 If towing is permitted with only a wing-tip man , it is vital that the pilots all recognise that this is only safe if the ground is more or less level and the wind is very light .
13 Here , the major objective is to find at least a champion , and hopefully an internal sponsor for the idea .
14 The company has taken excerpts from the two earlier works , and has put on stage two casts representing the younger and older selves , so that the audience is presented with both a direct view of past actions and a more mellow reflection on the aspirations of other times .
15 A communication is protected if it is made to further a common interest — a circular published to shareholders in a company , or to fellow members of a trade union , or an inter-office memorandum .
16 ‘ I think it 's done by quite a few groups these days , ’ said Mike Morrissey of the CMAC .
17 Martin Casey , ‘ Perspex ’ business manager in the Acrylics Business describes it : ‘ Because extruded sheet is made by a continuous process that lends itself to long runs , it is offered in only a limited range of colours and thicknesses .
18 Scotch whisky is produced at over a hundred distilleries , widely scattered , but the greatest concentration of the industry is along the River Spey and its tributaries .
19 Each Night Goblin is armed with either a net or a huge club .
20 ‘ It 's turning into quite an evening for you , is n't it ?
21 Ford is budgeting for only a slight improvement on last year 's 1.6m market and has abandoned hopes of sales reaching 1.74m , while Peugeot Talbot is projecting a standstill .
22 If the first movement is played in quite a tough fashion there is room also for moments of expressive thoughtfulness .
23 Answer guide : The answer below is based on both an absorption costing approach and a marginal costing approach although the question is deliberately not explicit about which should be used .
24 However , the Merrill Lynch survey is based on only a small sample of UK companies ( 148 organisations ) .
25 An investigation to assess the accuracy of this impression ( which is based on only a small sample of requests ) should , however , be conducted before any steps are taken to reorganise the delivery of such items at lunchtime .
26 Even if an establishment is suffering from only a few of the above problems , the cost penalties can remain extremely high .
27 During ‘ Sidewalkin' ’ , when the song is reduced to just a bare skeleton and Jim repeats ‘ Chilled to the bone/Chilled o the bone ’ with a single frozen blue light painting the backs of his jeans from the sewer , the world stops .
28 It is found in only a few places in the world .
29 The vast majority of series involve two kinds of contrast : one type is found in only a limited number of lexical pairs ; the other type recurs much more freely .
30 ‘ What I am about to tell you is known to only a handful of people , ’ she said .
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