Example sentences of "[is] [verb] [verb] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The gross yield is calculated having taken all costs into consideration .
2 Wilfrid is claimed to have baptised 250 slaves of both sexes at Selsey and there is the celebrated case of ‘ Angles ’ from Deira , an area approximating to the historic county of Yorkshire , being sold in the market-place of Rome c .
3 The hearings system is claimed to have turned thousands of youngsters away from a life of crime over the last 20 years , but because of the confidential nature of the work done by reporters and panel members , much of the evidence is anecdotal .
4 The United States is considered to have entered this phase sometime in the 1950s ; in Britain 's case the date is less clear — either in the mid-1960s or in the 1980s depending upon which aspects of service growth are emphasized .
5 One of them Hugh of Chauvigny , is reported to have hated all Englishmen .
6 Tenby is reported to have finished last of four to Commander In Chief in a Newmarket gallop which also featured Allegan and Placerville .
7 Ventris died before he had had the time to turn his attentions to Linear A , about which he is reported to have had some initial ideas .
8 The company is reported to have hired former mercenaries from Rhodesia , Central America and the Middle East who are equipped with assault rifles or shotguns , gasmasks , tear-gas munitions , counter-sniper equipment , intrusion detection devices , armoured vehicles , and K-9 teams .
9 Violence between Muslims and Hindus in India is reported to have claimed some 300 lives in the past few months .
10 Bacon died earlier this year , and is reported to have left sixty million pounds , in his will published in September .
11 AN ULTIMATUM was issued yesterday to a Somali warlord said to have taken control of the southern port of Kismayu after a fierce two-day battle which is reported to have left dozens dead .
12 Examination of what is entailed and what is expected have produced ambivalent conclusions , less clear than the raw conviction that training is a good thing : but overall the evidence is favourable .
13 A new logo , which replaces the one introduced nearly 20 years ago , is said to have followed two years of research among consumers , independent financial advisers , appointed representatives and staff .
14 It is here that William the Conqueror is said to have bribed two friars to help him gain access to the City of York after he had besieged it unsuccessfully .
15 She is said to have suffered horrific hallucinations since her drink was spiked with the dance drug ecstasy at a friend 's 21st birthday party in Liverpool ten days ago .
16 It is generally assumed first , that this ‘ ceremonial recognition of his son as king in his own lifetime was something new ’ ( although Aethelred of Mercia , for example , is said to have appointed Coenred as his heir ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 57 ) , second , that it was the first royal anointing in England ( though reservations have been expressed as to whether Ecgfrith was anointed or , if he was , whether he was the first ) , and , third , that Offa was basing his action on the recent papal consecration in 781 of the Frankish princes , Pippin and Louis , sons of Charlemagne ( though Byzantine precedents are also possible ) .
17 The really worrying thing is that Marie is said to have obtained improved terms from suppliers ( understandable , given that she is ordering larger quantities ) .
18 Carbonate deposition on the Great Bahama Bank is said to have averaged half a metre per thousand years , even though most of the sediment is continuously swept into deeper water .
19 Prince Khalid Bin Sultan , the Saudi general in command of the Arab and Islamic forces facing Iraq , is said to have turned pale when Egyptian commandos devoured live chickens and rabbits in a show of bravado .
20 Abraham 's grandfather , Nahor , is said to have lived 148 years , and Abraham was born when his father , Terah , was seventy ( 11.24–6 ) .
21 Magistrate Felix Pizzarello attacked the police for secretly taping a conversation between Newall and his uncle and aunt in which he is said to have made certain admissions .
22 A second factor , the growth of the media , is said to have made both sides wary of possible bad publicity resulting from violence .
23 The Russian , who has confirmed herself this year as one of the world 's greatest athletes by setting four world records , is said to have tested positive at a meeting in Lievin , France , last month after equalling her 60 metres hurdles world record .
24 The driver being pursued , in a Toyota MR2 GT sports car allegedly stolen in Manchester , is said to have rammed four private cars and a police car .
25 The driver being pursued , driving a Toyota MR2 GT sports car allegedly stolen in Manchester , is said to have rammed four private cars and a police car .
26 By 1774 she had 58 ships of the line : she is said to have possessed 72 in 1789 .
27 From the Northampton Chronicle and Echo and then Reuter 's he arrived at The Gaurdian aged 28 in 1979 , and is said to have covered 50 sports .
28 The technology is regarded as regressive by Taligent staff , and IBM 's insistence is said to have convinced several key employees to quit .
29 In admiring expositions revolutionary rhetoric is apparent : Derrida is said to have subverted Western thought , and called in question the customary concepts of philosophy , literature , and criticism .
30 On April 22nd , for instance , one trust bank is said to have bought 1,000 Nikkei futures contracts , representing some ¥20 billion-worth of shares .
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