Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] done away [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This does not imply that existing defectives should be done away with , nor that we should condemn the decision of a couple , whose foetus is at risk , that to have a retarded baby would be preferable to having none at all .
2 In De Officiis he describes two ways that men can do wrong , ‘ by force or by fraud ’ , and says that In order to guard against such destructiveness Cicero urges that ‘ pretence and concealment [ simulatio dissimulatioque ] should be done away with in all departments of our daily life ’ .
3 He set forth an idealistic view of a society in which all privilege would be done away with , and in which wealth and power would be fairly shared , on the basis of competitive public examinations with General Essay papers on EITHER Natural Justice OR ‘ Everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds . ’
4 But French nuclear experts are convinced that the ‘ reference accident ’ ( a core melt-down in which the molten fuel reacts with the sodium coolant ) is so improbable that the secondary containment dome can be done away with .
5 No natural laws can be done away with .
6 One of the most exciting is the happy demise of eleven character file names — the old 8 and 3 construction of filename and extension can be done away with by opting for a 32 bit High Performance Filing System ( HPFS ) which allows long file names — things like ‘ letter to bank manager about my loan ’ which have much more meaning than ‘ Letloan.doc ’ , for instance .
7 Criticism may devote itself to an actual performance ; analysis , both musical and dramatic , can be done away from the theatre , by an examination of the score .
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