Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] under [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Law Commission committee says that this principle is not good enough ; sellers should be under a legal duty to reveal everything they know and ought to know about their property — which would oblige them to carry out a survey before offering it for sale .
2 This suggests that to the criteria for trust wording a further one should be added : that the words be not only ‘ mediate ’ ( in the sense that they do not attribute property directly to the beneficiary ) but that they should also unequivocally attest the testator 's intention that a trustee should be under a legal obligation to a beneficiary .
3 In the five years since this judgment , Parliament has shown little interest , although the Labour Party has endorsed a proposal that those in the distribution business should be under a legal obligation to supply any publication requested by their customers — a reform which would require abolition of the rule that distributors can be held responsible for particular defamations of which they have no knowledge but which are nonetheless contained in libel-prone publications .
4 Meanwhile the situation between the government , the union and the Shipowners ' Federation had proceeded almost to the point of agreement in principle on a National Maritime Board and a proposal from Havelock Wilson that a single source of supply of seamen should be under the joint control of the Federation and the union , though formal acceptance and drafting problems remained ; so did the Liverpool revolt .
5 Even if such feelings and judgements are not disreputable in themselves , they must be under the firm guidance of respect for sheer duty .
6 I thought she might be under the front part of the colonnade , and peered cautiously round the corner .
7 Professor Ferguson and I said that a routine clinical history and examination ( preferably in private ) were essential in helping to establish the correct diagnosis and treatment of all patients , particularly in people who might be under the mistaken impression that their symptoms were due to allergy .
8 The following features of a statutory redundancy payment emerged : ( 1 ) The obligation was imposed on the employer ; ( 2 ) It only arose on dismissal and might never arise if an employee worked until retirement , whether voluntary — early retirement — or at an agreed date , each of which was based on contract ; ( 3 ) It only arose if certain preconditions were proved ; ( 4 ) It applied to all employees who had worked for at least two years with an employer ; ( 5 ) Certain classes of employee were excluded , eg redundant employees refusing suitable alternative employment ; employees under a fixed-term contract of two years or more , who had renounced their redundancy rights in writing ; ( 6 ) A voluntary redundancy could be under a contractual statutory scheme , and under such a contractual scheme it was often the equivalent of early retirement by agreement ; ( 7 ) In no way could a redundancy payment be described as a deferred emolument or pay ; it was a monetary compensation for the disappearance of a job .
9 More than 150,000 children are already educated in grant-maintained schools but , if the prediction is correct , two thirds of all state school pupils in England and Wales could be under the new system .
10 Nevertheless , there are circumstances in which an employer may be under a contractual duty to provide work .
11 Where the landlord retains a roadway he may be under a positive duty to the tenant to prevent obstruction of it ( Hilton v Smith ( James ) & Sons ( Norwood ) Ltd ( 1979 ) 257 EG 1063 ) .
12 This high level of divergence , together with the absence of Oct-11b from rats ( data not shown ) suggests that this gene may be under the reduced selective pressure typical of pseudogenes .
13 A co-operative may have more difficulty in raising a large initial sum of venture capital and hence be at a greater risk of starting with too big a burden of interest on loan capital ; but , having got started on a sound financial footing , it would be under no special difficulty in doing as well as ordinary firms .
14 In all fairness , they would be under a great deal of pressure .
15 On present evidence , that would be welcome : a reunited Germany with Mr Kohl as its first chancellor is likely to be more prosperous , and stabler , than it would be under the Social Democrats .
16 Fourth , we may point out that quite often the potential reference of the noun as modified by the adjective will not be the same in the predicate qualifying construction as it would be under the attributive version .
17 If the Buyer fails to comply with this clause the Seller shall be under no legal liability in respect of any alleged shortage , defect or complaint .
18 If they are retained by the liquidator , this will be under a new contract of employment .
19 In good market conditions , however , auction or tender will be more likely to provide the best price for the client , but because the land has been widely advertised the purchaser will be under no moral or other obligation to re-instruct the agent .
20 The related business person 's turnover will be under the current registration threshold if ( broadly ) it is not over £36,600 in any of the last 12 calendar months and is not reasonably expected to exceed that amount in the next 30 days from any time ( VAT Act 1983 , Sch 1 , para 1(1) ) .
21 They did not seem to square with his experience of real people ; there was something inhuman about Godwin 's conclusion that ‘ the virtuous man , in proportion to his improvement , will be under the constant influence of fixed and invariable principles ’ .
22 Until a Summons is served , one is in blissful ignorance as to whether it will be under the Optional Procedure or not , unless of course the third party correspondents are charitable enough to advise you .
23 While NATO will run the operation , it will be under the strict political control of the UN , which can stop or modify the operation as it likes .
24 In the case of a building let in separate parts for use as factories , the landlord will be under an absolute duty to keep lifts in an efficient state and in good repair ( Factories Act 1961 , s22(1) , s176(1) ) .
25 The informant is responsible in law ( unless the information was provided solely for the journalist 's background reference and not for use even on an unattributed basis ) but the media , having promised confidentiality , will be under an ethical duty not to reveal the name of its informant .
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