Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] that it [be] " in BNC.

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1 The main criterion for an effective service must be that it is staffed by experienced professionals who are appropriately qualified .
2 One reason must be that it is the only staging halt within thirty miles ; another , more certainly , is the excellence of the seaward views and , in particular , the glorious sweep of the silver sands of Sango Bay and Balnakeil Bay , both exquisitely charming in kind weather .
3 The answer must be that it is much less important by what mechanisms people come across art than what they themselves bring to the encounter .
4 Consequently , the reply to the national court must be that it is not contrary to Community law for a member state to stipulate as a condition for the registration of a fishing vessel in its national register that the vessel in question must be managed and its operations directed and controlled from within that member state .
5 The suspicion must be that it was a combination of excessive speed and the failure of the driver or guard to apply the brakes early enough that caused the accident .
6 One reason might be that it is a case of ‘ out of sight , out of mind ’ , because despite the fact that the chestnut-shaped prostate gland plays a vital secretory role in ejaculation , it is a very hidden organ , surrounding the upper part of the urethra and tucked away under the bladder and behind the rectum .
7 One conclusion might be that it is possible to define different grades of appropriateness , in which case it could be argued that the word-of-mouth teaching of the lobon-gur solution was a more appropriate form of oral therapy technology than the distribution of an insufficient number of Oral Rehydration Salt packets via restricted outlets .
8 For an alternative formulation might be that it is the hallmark of democratic government ( which is not the whole of democracy ) that it is government by consent , by contrast with other forms of arbitrary or tyrannical rule where the wishes of the people are ignored and their assent or support is not sought , or considered necessary .
9 NCD 's share shows no sign of slipping , says Greg Blatnik of the X Business Group , even though the system vendors are all likely to increase their share — one reason might be that it 's more important for NCD systems to work with a variety of hosts — Peter Wellings of NCD 's UK distributor Xanadu claims that DEC , for instance , has had its X-terminal success mostly confined to existing DEC installations .
10 Cos it might be that it 's more productive .
11 The brief answer might be that it was an unintended consequence of a largely implicit and undebated policy decision .
12 It might be that it was the incessant closeness to blood , death and suffering that brought out these sentiments in men who had , on the whole , been raised in an education system that rejected such responses as feminine and unmasculine , and that promoted an abstract conception of justice and a stern morality of obedience to rules .
13 It might be that it was just a little bit open and they think that somebody 's tampered with it so then they , they open
14 It could be that it is reducible to the other needs ; that our belief in convention is purely a function of the degree to which it satisfies our needs for affection , status , and so on .
15 It could be that it is really a form of fall-back insurance .
16 The justification given could be that it is easier to control girls than boys , and therefore the ‘ stronger ’ teachers should be given the more difficult classes , i.e. the boys ' classes .
17 No no , there are natural , we always have a strong preference for something but we can actually develop them , just like management style we have a strong preference for , for one style but it is something that we can learn can get more and try and rationale sort of like theoretical we can try and rationalize what 's perhaps happening is that in situations when we 're not gaining a lot and it could be that it 's because it 's had a lot of activity and we can actually gain more from it we can rationalize it and analyze it .
18 Er it could be that it 's just a contact Hello .
19 ‘ It could be that it 's just something that Bob is allergic to , but it had better be investigated and some sample testing done in case we need to get on to the manufacturers .
20 The implication of the evidence as a whole could be that it was only in the reign of Ecgfrith that Northumbrian overlordship embraced the Strathclyde Britons and the Scots .
21 However , it has also been suggested that since there is a dominance hierarchy among the females and only the subordinates do badly , it may be that it is only younger females that fare worse in big harems than they would if they were monogamous .
22 It may be that it is those least disposed to commit suicide who join the cult in the first place , but at least the systematic comparison of variables has led to the question being raised .
23 In that case the reason the whole has a value other than the sum of the values of its parts , considered as capable of existing unaltered in other wholes , may be that it is a radical mistake to think of them as capable of so doing .
24 It may be that the state of affairs in which everyone ( as opposed to just some people ) is guided by such a maxim is an impossibility , or it may be that it is in some way a thing that no individual can wish for .
25 It may be that it is a price which none of us will pay .
26 An initial diagnosis of the Gettier counter-examples may be that it is just luck that Henry 's justified belief is true .
27 One reason for this lack of success may be that it is unlikely that individuals will make public , in a regular meeting , what is on their left-hand columns .
28 There can , after all , be more than one possible explanation why a witness may retract evidence given by him on a previous occasion ; and , as must have been contemplated in Reg. v. Donat , 82 Cr.App.R. 173 , one possibility may be that it is the later retraction , rather than the earlier evidence , which is not worthy of belief .
29 Another related reason may be that it is not at all clear what it is that is transmitted during inter-hemispheric transfer .
30 although through speculating about the role of the unobservable ‘ anticipated reactions ’ of one actor to another or considering the values and interests which failed to emerge in the policy making process , it may entertain the possibility of hidden power processes its main weakness may be that it is a description rather than an analysis of power relationships .
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