Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] use as [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By paragraph 33 of the order it was provided that no such disclosure should be used as evidence in the prosecution of an offence alleged to have been committed by Mr. and Mrs. Tully .
2 These aims , it argued , should be used as criteria for determining the scope of the formal curriculum , which could further be expressed in terms of eight modes of activity : linguistic and library study ; mathematical studies ; scientific study ; social studies ; creative and aesthetic studies ; physical activity ; religious studies ; morality .
3 Formal risk assessment and evaluation methods should be used as aids to judgement , not as substitutes for it .
4 Tom proposed that two of these should be used as studs , or servers ; there were five women who were to be brood mares for the plantation .
5 Less easy for ( and possibly of less interest to ) preclinical staff is dealing with a case study for the new pathway ; such a case might start with the pharmacology of tetracyclines , pass through their therapeutic use in general , and end on a debate about whether oxytetracycline should be used as prophylaxis for traveller 's diarrhoea in Mexico .
6 Glass and silica are opaque in the IR region below 4000 cm -1 , so that other materials must be used as windows for sample cells .
7 To calculate the Paasche price index , the method described above for the Laspeyres index can be used except that current-year quantities must be used as weights .
8 However , the intensity of a particular band does vary linearly with concentration in a mixture unless some strong chemical interaction occurs between components , in which case mixtures of the same components in known concentrations must be used as standards .
9 There was a possibility that a recording of his might be used as theme music for a commercial — if he could come up to London in the near future this could be discussed .
10 a list of terms or notations that might be used as access points in an index .
11 Edward II had tried to suppress tournaments , because he feared that they might be used as occasions to form political conspiracies against the court , but his son now encouraged them as occasions when king and nobles could together demonstrate their knightly prowess .
12 The papal curia acted much as the curia regis and the cardinals became primarily officers of state and administrators who could be used as ambassadors or legates — a position they had reached by the early years of the twelfth century .
13 Throughout the first months of the war Board of Education officials were desperate to find convincing proof of this , so that it could be used as publicity to stop the drift-back to the danger areas .
14 For Engels , therefore , the study of systems of kin terms revealed previously existing systems of consanguinity and could be used as evidence for the history of kinship and social organization .
15 Since the argument between the two centres on how open each country 's market and regulatory climate are , an increase in Telecom 's ability to buy from US suppliers could be used as evidence of the openness of the UK market .
16 This glycoprotein could be used as amother marker of severity in these patients .
17 Sometimes commanders in the field could be used as negotiators : in 1714 the treaty of Rastadt which ended the struggle between Louis XIV and the Emperor Charles VI was based on personal contacts between the commanders of the opposing armies , Marshal Villars on the French side and Prince Eugene on the imperial one .
18 Any of these could be used as rollers but only the circle has a constant centre , permitting a hub .
19 Both houses could be used as dormitories , if No. 43 proved inadequate .
20 The idea is not to attempt all these at once — rather they could be used as sections in a loose leaf file and added to at intervals .
21 It is worth checking what is available on video with a view to picking short sequences which could be used as mind stretchers occasionally at the beginning of a training session .
22 Aquifers could be used as carbon stores , if they could be made gas-tight .
23 It seemed to me at the time that the Tanzanian Government feared that papers could be used as mouthpieces for dissident political groups anxious to advance their own positions .
24 The brief period of time in which the words were presented to the subject in our experiment , however , limited the kinds of words that could be used as stimuli .
25 From Okinawa it would be feasible to control all the ports of northern Asia , which could be used as bases for an amphibious expedition .
26 Entry-level Pentium machines , which could be used as servers , are expected to be under $6,000 .
27 The discussion concentrated upon the imperatives of effective political communication : the need to prepare a ‘ distillation ’ of policy in a form that could be used as background for press conferences , speeches and broadcasts , and the language and basic terms that should be employed .
28 ICL intends to optimise the server to run corporate relational databases at the high-end of the commercial market , and enable it to link into an organisation 's existing systems , including mainframes , which could be used as clients .
29 ( Note : answers to these may overlap — ( ii ) and ( iii ) may be used as illustrations of ( i ) , for instance .
30 Those programs that filter or rearrange the data write output files in the same format as the inputs , so that they may be used as inputs to the other applications .
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