Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [adj] to the " in BNC.

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1 Exclusive : For accountancy reasons and facilitating identification of stock usage stores should be exclusive to the area or cost centre serviced .
2 Feedback , information on the progress being made should be available to the student .
3 Frequently , moreover , there appears to be little concern that advice should be available to the teacher or headmaster , to ensure that he uses what few resources he has to best effect .
4 More training courses on organics at Agricultural Colleges should also be a priority , and grants should be available to the pioneering organic groups so that more research and support can be given to farmers .
5 Clearly they will not work alone , but with corporate economists as well as marketing and manufacturing experts , but financial skills should be available to the team .
6 Where relevant , the opinions of professional advisors should be available to the full board of directors .
7 Moreover , because accountability is an essential element in quality assurance , the Copenhagen report recommends that : ‘ the results of the monitoring and audit should be available to the public ’ .
8 For example , Ralls ( 1977 ) argues that ‘ the intensity of intrasexual selection in a species should be proportional to the ratio of the lifetime number of offspring sired by a highly successful male compared to the number born by a highly successful female in her lifetime ’ while Payne ( 1979 ) suggests that the extent to which variance in breeding success differs between the sexes is important .
9 Although this is quite different from retribution ( an aim that Beccaria specifically rejects ) , he retains the idea , usually associated with retribution , that the punishment should be proportional to the crime — but not , he insists , proportional to its sinfulness ( since only God can gauge that ) .
10 The therapist should be alert to the possibilities of a patient losing all hope .
11 The clinician should be alert to the possible repetition of a serious attempt in hospital .
12 Clinicians should be alert to the possibility of coeliac disease in the elderly particularly in patients with non-specific complaints in the presence of unexplained anaemia .
13 The toes , hips and shoulders should be parallel to the ball-to-target line .
14 Those are some of the important reasons why the Government should be alive to the problems faced by the industry and the challenges that lie ahead .
15 It could not afford to be seen as a drain on the taxpayer and it should be relevant to the times .
16 Whatever standard is set it should be relevant to the operation , clearly stated and effectively communicated
17 A question , to be included , should be relevant to the problem being studied .
18 It considers the way in which we might make a reality of the observation ( by Keith Joseph ) that ‘ the curriculum should be relevant to the real world and pupils ’ experience of it' by considering the range of challenges and opportunities which people face in , say , the domestic environment , often regarded as too trivial for ‘ academic ’ education , but where arguably most important economic , technical and social decisions are made and acted upon : in the community where a host of issues require an informed public to exercise judgment and active commitment to ensure that the quality of the social and physical environment is constantly improved , and so on in other contexts which will require people to make an active and hopefully informed response , underlain by conceptual understanding of general issues to which , if taught effectively , geography , history , physical sciences and design , indeed all academic disciplines , can make a powerful contribution .
19 The subjects should be relevant to the needs of the students at all stages of training .
20 As I have previously stated , my own belief is that Earth Mysteries should be relevant to the present day , and that means we must make our own relationship with the sacred sites .
21 Education should be relevant to the needs of the community and knowledge should be shared :
22 Even this second edition fails to make it clear to at least one twentieth-century reader why Polybius should be relevant to the cause of one-year parliaments .
23 The research should be relevant to the current debate on industrial policy .
24 They should be appropriate to the stated aims of the organisation , rather than to an individual or sub-group 's desire to maximise their own aims .
25 Therefore , the subject matter of the lessons should be appropriate to the interests and intelligence of an adult .
26 The level of difficulty of an investigation should be appropriate to the module in which the investigation is being carried out .
27 However , since the study is conducted in an area known to most of the subjects it is important that the memories reported should be specific to the drive just completed rather than general knowledge about that area of Cambridge .
28 Certainly , for your first few flights , your left hand should be close to the release knob , so that you can release immediately if you get into a bad swing or a wing-tip goes onto the ground .
29 The report should be confidential to the staff of the school , the governing body and the Education Committee .
30 The Food Advisory Committee 's latest review of labelling legislation has recommended that all alcoholic drinks should be subject to the same legislation that governs all other foodstuffs .
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