Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [art] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 Such information is essential if there is to be any meaningful debate on science policy in Britain , while we should also welcome the natural reluctance to use statistics as the sole basis for planning , this should be no excuse for not producing the information .
2 ‘ There should be no excuse for entering late , ’ Whitten , sports development Officer for Lisburn Borough Council emphasised .
3 The plaintiffs also appealed against the decision of taxing master right , er and then appealed on the basis that er there should be no disallowance for any interest at all .
4 The views of members of parliament have no weight in law , and in spite of the Minister 's assurances and the weight of legal opinion declaring that there should be no problem for librarians , some local authorities might still be cautious :
5 Many people say generally that ‘ there should be no whaling for ethical reasons ’ , but when you try to pin them down to a formulation of those ethics , you find it exceedingly difficult and , I am afraid to say , probably unconvincing to most people of the nations of the world .
6 ‘ But that should be no reason for grieving .
7 A belief held by a number of software designers is that if the software is properly designed then there should be no need for an emulator ; it should work first time .
8 By bidding for half rather than all of LIN there should be no need for McCaw to seek additional funding from BT since its cash resources and existing lines of credit should cover the cost .
9 There should be no need for people in different roles to compete .
10 There should be no need for that !
11 But a spokesman said there should be no need for further job cuts on top of 1,250 redundancies already in the pipeline .
12 If the filling-in soil is a little moist , so that a moisture contact is made with the wet soil underneath , there should be no need for further watering .
13 Therefore an exchange rate will be established at which capital account transactions offset the current account balance , but the demand and supply of currency may be equated ( i.e. there should be no need for official financing ) only at the expense of large fluctuations in exchange rates .
14 If he does so there should be no need for the court to exercise its power of appointment under s41(3) .
15 Thank heavens that after tonight there should be no need for them to meet again .
16 He said that there should be no need for cuts in services if local authorities kept pay settlements in the range 0-1.5 per cent and maximised the scope for savings .
17 But now that there is the United Nations there should be no need for these barbaric acts to take place .
18 With reference to Eric Jenkins 's letter ( 19 January ) , I would hope that there should be no place for the use of hypochlorites in the treatment of wounds .
19 In institutional care there should be no place for such people .
20 I make it clear that there should be no place for racially motivated attacks in our country .
21 In other words , there should be no footholds for an agile intruder .
22 There should be no room for this sort of passive interest in the general well being of tennis — especially from the player ranked No. 1 in the world .
23 If you have specified the desired action precisely , there should be no grounds for acrimonious arguments over whether your child has earned the reward or not .
24 It has been suggested that she had a secret , ironic intention , but I doubt it : she wished to give souvenirs to a number of people , and that there should be no cause for jealousy between them — though I am told that jealousy arose .
25 His famous comment about things are back to as they should be every nation for herself and god for us all .
26 I 'll be in the library for the next hour or so , if there should be a message for me . ’
27 In this book he argued that all life should be a preparation for dying .
28 But it welcomed FRED4 , saying because it contains more detailed proposals its provisions should be used to override FRED3 and , indeed , there should be a requirement for all transactions to be interpreted in the light of the draft off balance sheet standard .
29 there should be a requirement for firms to report quarterly on the adequacy of their financial resources ;
30 there should be a requirement for accounting systems to be capable of producing monthly profit and loss accounts and statement of assets and liabilities ;
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