Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 These two considerations , ethnic mépris and self-defence against socialism , rather that any abstract concern with the principle of descent , seem likely to have determined Kufra 's mandate to its delegates to the National Assembly , that there should be no possibility of naturalization whatever .
2 There should be no pre-conditions of any kind . ’
3 ( a ) Meetings and their conduct Whatever may have been agreed as to the taking of decisions by unanimous or majority vote , as much a matter of good management as of good faith is the need to ensure that all relevant information is given to all the partners before a vote is taken : the requisite majority of partners should not purport to take decisions and act on them behind the backs of the minority unless such has been expressly authorised or the need for immediate action precludes the convening of a partners ' meeting ; and even then there should be no delay before all partners are acquainted with the circumstances and invited to ratify any decision taken in their name .
4 When returning the draft Contract to me duly signed will you let me have a cheque in favour of Messrs. Stanley Tee & Co. for £2,600 the 5% deposit and I will place this on deposit with my firm 's bankers so that it does not lose you interest , so there should be no delay in exchanging contracts once you have received the insurance company 's acceptance of your life proposals .
5 My concern is that there should be no delay in the planning of er the extension of airport facilities in the South East .
6 In these circumstances , I hope you will feel able to concur in my view that this is not an issue which can be postponed and that the Government must face up to its responsibilities of trying to find a solution to an urgent social and economic problem , it being , of course , understood that there should be no interference with the war effort .
7 Such information is essential if there is to be any meaningful debate on science policy in Britain , while we should also welcome the natural reluctance to use statistics as the sole basis for planning , this should be no excuse for not producing the information .
8 ‘ There should be no excuse for entering late , ’ Whitten , sports development Officer for Lisburn Borough Council emphasised .
9 When big trouble comes , maybe soon , maybe in Nigeria or Zaire , there should be no shortage of work for Mr Harding .
10 The plaintiffs also appealed against the decision of taxing master right , er and then appealed on the basis that er there should be no disallowance for any interest at all .
11 Provided a mains transformer has a single primary winding there should be no difficulty in wiring up this section of the supply .
12 The images were easily distinguishable by eye and even with the rather crude resolution obtainable with this camera there should be no difficulty in distinguishing them by software .
13 Following on from this there should be no difficulty in categorising transactions where gift tokens or coupons are exchanged wholly for a product as transactions under the SGSA 1982 ( compare Davies v Customs and Excise Commissioners [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 204 ) .
14 On 3 February 1992 the justices made an order containing terms ( 1 ) that there should be no contact between the father and the girl until after the review by the local authority in six months time ; ( 2 ) that the mother should have reasonable supervised contact with the girl ; and ( 3 ) that there should be supervised contact between the girl and her older half-sister .
15 By a notice of motion dated 14 February 1992 the local authority appealed against those parts of the order which directed that there should be no contact between the father and the girl until after the local authority review and that there should be supervised contact between the girl and her half-sister , on the grounds that ( 1 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to invite the parties to comment on the agreed proposals for contact ; ( 2 ) the justices had been wrong in law in failing to indicate to the parties the nature of the orders for contact which they proposed to make , thereby depriving the parties of the opportunity to make submissions relating to those proposals ; ( 3 ) the justices had wrongly exercised their discretion in authorising the local authority to refuse contact to the girl by the father for only six months when they had found as a fact , inter alia , that the father had abused the girl over a period of at least 18 months ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to impose the condition of supervision on contact between the girl and her half-sister when there had been no application for such contact to be supervised , the evidence was that the half-sister had been enjoying unsupervised contact and that there was no evidence that there was any risk of the girl coming into contact with her father while having contact with her half-sister , and the justices had heard evidence that the local authority were considering placing the girl with her half-sister and by their order they had precluded the local authority from making such a placement and had fettered the discretion of the local authority ; and ( 5 ) the order was therefore contrary to the girl 's best interests .
16 The second complaint made by the local authority is that the justices specifically said by paragraph ( 1 ) of their contact order that there should be no contact between T. and her father until after the local authority review in six months ' time .
17 They took the view that under section 34(2) of the Children Act 1984 they had the power to order that there should be no contact between the mother and the child , thus preventing the local authority from carrying out the rehabilitation plan .
18 The first question which has been considered on this appeal is whether the justices were right in thinking that they had power in an appropriate case to order that there should be no contact between the mother and child under section 34(2) of the Act of 1989 .
19 Parliament responded with the Petition of Right , demanding that there should be no imprisonment without cause shown and no taxation without Parliamentary consent .
20 The delicious and time-consuming dishes and sauces they used to make may no longer be possible for them , for many reasons , so there should be no hesitation in trying to interest them in some of the tinned and packet products which may be just as good for them if fresh milk has to be added .
21 In such cases , there should be no hesitation in calling the police immediately , to prevent escalation of such difficulties .
22 Beveridge had presented his report in 1942 at a time when it was overwhelmingly agreed that there should be no return to the conditions of the 1930s .
23 Nov. 15 UN General Assembly upholds CGDK 's seat with proviso that there should be no return to the " universally condemned policies of the recent past " [ see p. 37041 ]
24 This may lead owners to worry that the dog 's diet is deficient in some respect , but if you are using a balanced prepared food , then there should be no concern about this .
25 If your employer tells you that you can be relocated elsewhere within the business , there should be no question of dismissal if the change falls within the existing terms of your employment .
26 there should be no firms with less than 3 partners ;
27 There should be no complacency about who seems to be winning the battle .
28 It was therefore important that a benevolent society should mould people to goodness and there should be no expression of negative emotion such as anger and punishment .
29 In considering tenders the contract-awarding body was obliged to treat all offers equally — there should be no discrimination between home and foreign bids .
30 However , the court also said in the same paragraph that Regulation ( E.E.C. ) No. 101/76 required member states to respect the principle that there should be no discrimination against nationals of other member states .
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