Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [adv] [adj] a " in BNC.

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1 Obviously getting work is an extremely important goal for any child at school , and it is a goal for society that there should be as low a level of unemployment as is compatible with the advancement of technology and the efficiency of industry and agriculture .
2 If , in addition , I were accompanied by his fifteen soldiers I believed we should be too strong a party to invite attack , while not so strong as to alarm and provoke the tribes .
3 ‘ Thought it might be as good a time as any to chew the fat , talk over the current status of Cuckoo , ’ Hayman started , casually enough .
4 She thought , since Naylor now knew that she was n't the one responsible for ‘ advertising ’ their ‘ engagement ’ — which had clearly been the reason for his ‘ My office — now ! ’ command — that now might be as good a moment as any to leave .
5 By the end of the century some might still moan that ‘ it would shock many to suggest that a plain dissenting preacher might be as great a man as an Archbishop ’ but this was simply twaddle .
6 I promised them I 'll be as good a manager as I 've ever been . ’
7 Instability in those countries , caused by shortages and discontent , could be as great a threat to world peace as the armed communism that has now disappeared .
8 Windows , its Microsoft successor , could be as big a hit .
9 ‘ Charlton could be as tough a fixture as any , but we have got our act together after struggling on our travels earlier in the season . ’
10 The government says schools like Pate 's are better-off out of local authority control … but admit that the school has had it 's hands tied by the rules that say they ca n't spend more on teachers than the county council will allow.The governments proposing a review of the regulations system in 1994 but for teachers at Pate 's who 're facing redundancy and pupils a drop in educational standards this could be too long a wait .
11 NEXT week 's vote on the ordination of women priests could be very close a new poll shows .
12 The Town Council were so stupid there , we they 're , the Magistrate threw it out , said , no , you ca n't have a licence , because it 'd be too big a public nuisance , they decided to appeal .
13 4.3.3 The other Non-academic Parties agree to provide to the Lead Organization , or direct to the Secretary of State , as may be most convenient a copy of their respective latest audited accounts , unless previously provided , together with such other financial and technical information as the Secretary of State may from time to time properly require in relation to the procedures governing claims for payment .
14 These measures alone may be as effective a means of recognising house officers as an important part of the service provided as restricting them to one hospital site for their preregistration year .
15 This may be as crude a model of the public official as the models of ‘ protector of the public interest ’ , ‘ profligate incompetent ’ , insensitive automaton or neutral instrument of political will that it seeks to replace .
16 It may be too great a temptation to human frailty , apt to grasp at power , for the same persons who have the power of making laws , to have also in their hands the power to execute them , whereby they may exempt themselves from obedience to the laws they make , and suit the law , both in its making and execution , to their own private advantage .
17 An ambiguously worded provision , patently lacking adequate means of enforcement , may be too slender a ground on which to anticipate that the courts would sanction a derogation from the ownership rights of the shareholders , lying as they do at the foundation of the legal model of the company .
18 This may be too narrow a base if it is the case that pay is only one factor in determining levels of motivation .
19 This may be too despairing a note to end on .
20 5.19 Statutory notices etc To give full particulars to the Landlord of any notice direction order or proposal for the Premises made given or issued to the Tenant by any local or public authority within [ 7 ] days of receipt and if so required by the Landlord to produce it to the Landlord and without delay to take all necessary steps to comply with the notice direction or order and at the request of the Landlord but at the cost of the Tenant to make or join with the Landlord in making such objections or representations against or in respect of any notice direction order or proposal as the Landlord shall deem expedient Seven days may be too short a period , particularly if the notice is served at the premises and not forwarded to the appropriate officer of a tenant company with any great alacrity .
21 That may be too sudden a verdict , but if such tours are to continue and flourish then the background planning must be much more evenly balanced .
22 ‘ We often get asked to look after elderly pets whose owners are worried that going into kennels may be too big a shock . ’
23 But together they may be too big a proposition , and instead could turn from the hunted into the hunter .
24 St James 's Park , famous for its bird-life , would be as good a place as any .
25 ‘ I thought that would be as good a place to start as any .
26 If she was to indulge in escapism , surely here would be as good a place as any ?
27 Which would be as good a way as any for me to get Rainbow off the premises , before those inhibitions of hers — which I 've left bound and gagged at the back of her wardrobe — work their knots out and come riding to the rescue .
28 ‘ It seems a good idea , ’ said Penny Warlock , looking up to Glenda and wondering if she herself would be as impressive a figure after ten or fifteen years in the teaching profession .
29 As I heard more stories about the measuring rod , not just from Alec but from other boys as well , I began to realise that it would be as big a problem for me as it always was for Alec .
30 For Greece 's hopes of joining the modern world , this would be as big a catastrophe as the humiliation the Greek army suffered in Anatolia 70 years ago .
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