Example sentences of "[vb mod] [be] [noun pl] [coord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There should be bed(s) and bedding , cooking facilities , cutlery , pots , crockery , seat(s) and floor coverings .
2 So , well before we get on to any issues to do with the structural poverty of the Third World , maintained by the wealth extracting efforts and arrangements of our Western world , we can surely see why quite a few people do not really believe in recovery through economic growth and consumption and we need to ask whether we ought to want it anyway , but people in the Tory Party and in the Labour Party in the City with a capital C and the trade unions with a Capital T and a U go on talking as if our goal must be jobs and recovery in the same old way , technologized , computerized and skillerlized of course with strong dashes of management insights and so on
3 For example , during construction , the subject of an internal control questionnaire might be variations and site instructions .
4 Some may be notes and coin but the vast bulk will come from people writing cheques drawn on bank accounts .
5 There may be lodges or park keepers ' houses ( often with moats and fishponds ) , rides or open access ways through separate coppices or fells ( felled in rotation and often embanked ) and areas of open land or common .
6 Articles in magazines are less certainly described as criticism , for their main topics may be personalities or history , and art may be only a small part of the writers ' account .
7 Just as with a heavy period there may be cramps and nausea , so it can happen with this treatment .
8 Mr Smith made clear that Labour 's first response would be to seek entry to the exchange rate mechanism of the European Monetary System and that its spending priorities would be pensions and child poverty .
9 We would eat and drink and there would be entertainments and music and dancing and stories .
10 we shall be algae or lichen , things
11 Be patient ; there will be changes but nature does take time to work .
12 There will be tips and advice on how to make the most of cheese in elaborate dishes as well as simple family meals — so there 's something for everyone .
13 The proceedings are very like those of a court ; there will be arguments and evidence for and against the Bill and , eventually , a judgment in the form of a recommendation .
14 Think it will be cornflakes or rice crispies ? ’
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