Example sentences of "[vb mod] [conj] well have been " in BNC.

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1 She might as well have been eating spam .
2 In some ways I might as well have been in the Outer Hebrides , Now everyone 's got a car it 's difficult to explain how isolated somewhere like Kensal Green used to be in those days .
3 He was only a few miles away but for him it might as well have been a million miles .
4 It did n't really matter , their expressions seemed to say , he might as well have been a short-order cook or a deep-sea diver or a male prostitute .
5 I could not make out where they were going , and made several inquiries without getting any answers save in Gaelic ; it might as well have been Hindostani .
6 He might as well have been blowing a dog whistle for all we heard of his wasted energy .
7 Although the conference was just up the road in Edinburgh this time , it might as well have been in Timbuktu for all the relevance it held for must of us .
8 His tone of voice was so bland that he might as well have been asking my opinion of Wavebreaker 's sea-keeping qualities .
9 Gingerly he reached out to touch it ; it might as well have been a physical part of his wife 's anatomy , like an ear or a finger .
10 But as far as the Prince 's speech was concerned the couple might as well have been strangers .
11 A furious magistrate told Terrance Long : ‘ You might as well have been driving a bomb ! ’
12 That prayer might as well have been couched in his own patois .
13 There are no screen credits at the beginnings of dreams to tell you what sort of film you are going to see , but there might as well have been in these nightmares , because the tenor , horror or guilt is excruciatingly present before the first scenes have even been played .
14 The truth was that she would doze now and then — ten minutes here , twenty there ; but her dreams were so vivid and so close to her conscious fears that she might as well have been awake .
15 It might as well have been the last rites .
16 He had it then , as clear as a map of a well-charted route unfolded on the captain 's table , what lay in store for him and for the settlement ; though the islanders had not burned wet leaves and swelled white smoke into a pillar of cloud to issue a warning , the signal might as well have been as clear .
17 She pinched herself , but might as well have been pinching the padded plastic of the bed on which she sat for all the sensation she felt .
18 Dougal was wearing three jerseys and Celia 's duffel coat , but as far as the wind was concerned he might as well have been naked .
19 A watchman squatted at the entrance of one , but he was asleep , and might as well have been a statue .
20 I remember thinking at the time that the two men were father-figures in more than one sense , and that it might as well have been Father Eliot as Father D'Arcy .
21 As a student wizard Rincewind had never achieved high marks in precognition , but now unused circuits in his brain were throbbing and the future might as well have been engraved in bright colours on his eyeballs .
22 For the rest of the trip there might as well have been a sound-proof grill between the front and back seats , Shannon reflected wryly .
23 He might as well have been devising a new war game .
24 One of them told me the changes they 've put now are so dramatic , there might as well have been a change of government .
25 and might as well have been doing decimals .
26 It might as well have been ten .
27 The rabbit might as well have been stuffed for all the movement it made , and I could see that it definitely was staring right at me , its little eyes not blinking , its tiny nose not sniffing , its ears untwitched .
28 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
29 But it might as well have been a million miles away .
30 The American troupe were refreshingly different , innovative , but Virginia reflected afterwards that she might as well have been watching a film with no pictures , in a language she did n't understand , such was her lack of concentration on the details of that evening .
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