Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] have be [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As for boffin , although the Oxford English Dictionary states that its etymology is unknown , I have conjectured that this same purist Huxley may inadvertently have been responsible for it .
2 It may perhaps have been valid in the past to dichotomize theoretical stances into endogenous ( formulated in terms of what is natural to humans ) and exogenous ( formulated in terms of sociocultural factors ) ( Heelas 1983 ) ; but many biologists today think that there is a built-in capacity for change through learning capable of giving directive impulses for change .
3 John Major must secretly have been pleased at the way last week 's royal shocker deflected attention from the summit — the rest of us were just pleased to avoid being bored to death by this most tedious of Edinburgh festivals .
4 For Jesus to have been accepted as the Messiah , he must necessarily have been prepared to wield the liberator 's sword .
5 ‘ You must only have been infatuated with him if you 've got over him so quickly , ’ remarked Betty repressively .
6 ( 1 ) The Consultant you have chosen must not have been involved in our client 's treatment .
7 By that time — possibly as little as a year and a half after Jesus 's death — they must already have been widespread and numerous , because Paul , acting on behalf of the established Sadducee priesthood and armed with warrants from the High Priest , undertakes to hunt them out as far away as Damascus .
8 In the immediate aftermath of the tragedy , there was no reason why Connelly should not have been helpful or why Jones should have falsified an entry in his notebook . )
9 The Government should have made a statement on the way in which the police national computer operates ; it should not have been necessary for me or the National Council for Civil Liberties to prise information from them .
10 Had not the echo of my prayer been upon me still , I should not have been ready .
11 If I had had qualifications I should not have been able to use them legally , and I should have been too hoity-toity to take on the sort of me-nial , unregulated work available .
12 Had someone insisted he had seen me in Romorantin , or further afield , I should not have been able to confirm or deny the sighting .
13 Over such a period , as has already been apparent with Polaris , if we had only had three , we should not have been able to maintain that programme .
14 The wife and the bachelor in the above cases should have been entitled to insist that the confusion be cleared up by a published clarification , but they should not have been able to obtain an award of damages against a newspaper which was not at fault .
15 The whole of tonight 's entertainment looked to me unreal , something like a banqueting scene of an opera , and I should not have been surprised to find the capon under my knife to consist of cardboard and my ‘ goblet of sparkling wine ’ full of emptiness with a rim of cotton wool to represent the foam of the champagne that was not there .
16 When I asked what her name was , I should not have been surprised when she replied clearly : ‘ My name is Lydia . ’
17 It has been suggested that Penda 's political power was in eclipse at the time and that Eowa was the dominant ruler among the Mercians as a subject king of the northern Angles from the mid-630s until his death , possibly in Oswald 's army , in the battle at Maserfelth , but there is no reason why Penda and Eowa should not have been ruling jointly , with Eowa as king possibly of the northern Mercians and Penda as king of the southern .
18 He should not have been ashamed of his grandfather , of course , but his upbringing had been pitiful , constantly on the march from one to another of a whole series of ‘ uncles ’ — there were several between his father and the solicitor — so that he had nothing stable in his life at all .
19 The person who dies must normally have been resident in the United Kingdom , and the funeral has to take place in the UK .
20 She should still have been able to get a seat , but she should not have a carriage practically to herself .
21 But we 've just said that he should still have been able to work out that his space was curved , even though he could n't see it .
22 Communal organisation must still have been necessary , however , for the system of clearing and farming to occur at all .
23 Mehmed el-Fenari ; and he not unnaturally concludes that Molla Fenari must still have been alive at that date .
24 Times must still have been hard down Whittox Lane , though nearly all its inhabitants seem to have been employed in some way or another — most of them in the clothing trade , alongside Mr. Middleditch , the Badcox Lane Baptist minister , and Charles Dyer , 23 , a coal miner .
25 Charlie stared out at the open fields that must once have been productive farmland .
26 His wrinkled face must once have been handsome .
27 Her black eyes , penetrating still , must once have been beautiful .
28 Churchmen must always have been aware of family loyalties , and when these became involved in politics there may often have been a strong temptation to give active support .
29 What must always have been clear to perceptive teachers , and what is now being documented in some detail in research , is that racism and sexism are experienced in numerous different ways , depending upon the groups concerned and the educational context .
30 The club dealt with the matter commendably but men like Murray must inwardly have been dismayed .
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