Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] be say [to-vb] " in BNC.

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31 Therefore the admission which the Prime Minister wrung from him could hardly be said to have been grudging .
32 The English armies could hardly be said to have been outfought since they had not yet fought at all .
33 The resistance of Ulster had not been created by British Unionists and could hardly be said to depend on them , but the knowledge of support was certainly useful to Carson and Craig in giving their plans for rebellion an official look .
34 The villa at Lufton , Somerset , with its outstanding octagonal shrine supported by narrow buttresses , could also be said to have similar characteristics .
35 Jim Nicholson , the chairman of Down Royal , could also be said to have a grievance for he has sponsored three of the National Hunt races on the Saturday card and in fact has put his money where his mouth is .
36 ‘ But in the case of such an animated film , there would n't be anything behind the cartoon sofa ; not only that , the sofa could n't be said to have a behind at all .
37 Indeed , kinship could well be said to involve greater obligations to the old than it once did , because survivors now live longer and have fewer descendants who can share their care .
38 The sustained and systematic assault upon the assumptions and procedures of classic realism , vigorously pursued by the leading nouveaux romanciers , could almost be said to represent a manifesto of postmodern aims and aspirations ; while the emphatic self-reflexivity of their novels is frequently cited as paradigmatic of radical textuality .
39 Section 2(4) could therefore be said to give supremacy to community law .
40 Wilson could never be said to lack optimism .
41 Holists and individualists may both be said to have an overarching interest in understanding the mechanisms which operate in the social world , but beneath this unifying umbrella their eyes are fixed on different features on the landscape , and their respective theories are to be judged in relation to the tasks they set themselves .
42 Although Quattro Pro 4 ca n't be said to make any task easier than in an equivalent Windows spreadsheet , what it does prove is that with very little limitation a DOS product can manage the same job as a Windows product any trouble at all .
43 Such topics are kept ‘ off the agenda ’ by the dominant group who may then be said to have the power of non-decision-making as well as decision-making .
44 At a Symposium organized to pay tribute to Darwin a hundred years after his death , it is perhaps permitted to expand on one tiny fragment of ecological research that may truly be said to have been directly stimulated by Darwin 's own writings , in particular by the paragraph quoted as heading to this paper .
45 Clark simply refuses to allow that such behaviour by a creature lacking language transforms the content of what they can properly be said to fear or be distressed at .
46 That the windscreen wipers started to work can properly be said to have been caused by a set of things including the state of the wipers ' mountings and the smooth surface of the windscreen as well as the switch 's being flipped .
47 For communication involves the notions of intention and agency , and only those inferences that are openly intended to be conveyed can properly be said to have been communicated .
48 As the economy grew that happened , although the goal of stable real spending can only be said to have been achieved up to 1990 if the returns from privatisation are included to reduce the total — essentially a cheat .
49 Even as recently as 1982 , Robbe-Grillet would explain his transgressive narrative techniques by relying on the Sartrean concept of contingency ( see Oppenheim 1986 ) : the disruptive narrative syntax conveys the fragmentation of man in the world , the absence of meaning in his novels can thus be said to correspond to the gratuitousness of existence .
50 Ideas concerning human nature can thus be said to constitute a human universal .
51 A single market can not be said to exist unless companies incorporated in one member state are permitted to do business in another .
52 I must repeat , it is not the purpose of ‘ Documenta ’ to choose representatives from different countries : the Italian artists involved certainly can not be said to represent Italy .
53 Even if the column baseline is zero , the column height can not be said to represent anything real .
54 If it is accepted , as I argue , that a judge , when sitting in his court , is frequently required to make decisions which involve an assessment of where the public interest lies and so to make a political decision , then he can not be said to act neutrally , although he may still be the person best suited to make that particular decision .
55 Its title is misleading , since the Georgian interiors are few in number , and can not be said to give much idea of their period .
56 Answer ( b ) is an example of ellipsis because does can not be said to substitute for sing in the above question .
57 A covenant may very well have reference to the land , but , unless it is reasonably incidental to the relation of landlord and tenant , it can not be said to touch and concern the land so as to be capable of running therewith or with the reversion .
58 The ‘ stepped pyramids ’ may be characteristic of the Cornish landscape , but they can not be said to sit naturally in it .
59 At p625 he stated : A vendor selling property to a purchaser can not be said to lend him the unpaid portion of the purchase price .
60 In all , this incidence of reported problems can not be said to suggest much more than the occasional misunderstanding , difficulty or other problem which must mark a small proportion of virtually every type of consumer transaction .
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