Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] like [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 What I 'd most like to do is go to the court to listen to what 's happening in the trial , but … . ’
2 I have sent round a briefing paper , and rather than go right through that , what I 'd just like to do is to highlight two or three things about myself and about the post that I now hold , and I would be pleased to answer any questions that you might have during the next two or three minutes .
3 What I 'd also like to say is I think it 's e ecol erm , ecologically correct as well for us to move into computer literacy and computer designed programs .
4 Nahh … what I 'd really like to do is come back as the guy who shot Reagan a few years back , only I would n't miss !
5 I think erm what , what we , what I 'd really like to do is if I could get in touch with him and give him the chance to make up his own mind er then he could decide whether or not he would like to have a chat with me and I 'd just run a few ideas by him , just as you 've done , without any pressure er and he can make his own decisions .
6 Actually the last time I was stood up on a platform and did this was in front of erm a S G T congress in Dieppe and I tell you I had to do it in French , and it was much more difficult so I 'm hoping this one will go smoothly , but I , what I 'd really like to do is begin with is offer you erm delegates and platform both , a very very warm welcome from the trade union movement in Portsmouth .
7 Well what I 'd quite like to do is if we could go back over
8 Seventy-one per cent of respondents wrote and said that the change they would most like to see was ‘ equality of opportunity ’ .
9 What I would really like to see is Sir Robin conduct one of his Question Times among a young audience who had completed the series .
10 The Conservatives were also putting forward of course prudent growth in important areas and one of the areas that I would particularly like to mention is that of nursery education .
11 And what I would quite like to do is to see you as you come to the end of the starter pack and I think the starter pack is Oh I ca n't remember how many days treatment is in it .
12 Recalls Gerrard : ‘ Ray and Diana were n't married then , although they would dearly like to have been , because they were citizens of the Republic .
13 ‘ I would definitely like to have been there all the way at the start of history , at the start of human beings , to see all that happened .
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