Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Corinth suffered badly from the war : in a naval building programme in 413 BC she provides only fifteen ships ( to which should perhaps be added another twenty-five operating in the Corinthian Gulf ) .
2 Even if play areas are created off-street , the impression must not be given that the rest of the street is not intended for playing children .
3 Good co-operation between the physiotherapist , occupational therapist and nurse is vital : the patient must not be taught several different ways of doing the same dressing task , nor must he be given tasks which he can not achieve .
4 They must not be allowed any illusion .
5 Examples of this category are black — in blackbird , blue in blue-tit , and red in red wine ( it must not be thought that red here is merely a colour term : a red wine is a type of wine , whereas a red dress is not a type of dress ) .
6 That having been said , where gaps appear in the Code it would be better for them to be filled by a change in the Code itself rather than by judicial interpretation , for it must not be forgotten that breach of the Code is a disciplinary offence and it would be unfortunate if the officers in the present case , who were rightly not made the subject of any criticism by the court , should even in theory be liable to disciplinary proceedings .
7 But it must not be forgotten that ‘ person ’ for this purpose includes an artificial person : that is to say , it includes both ‘ a body of persons , ’ and a firm …
8 It must not be forgotten that for this three year period the patient was being cared for in two hospitals and in Hunstead Park by a full range of no doubt dedicated professions .
9 It must not be taken that other potential measures of success are of less importance , merely that they are more difficult to quantify .
10 You should not be eating any of the grain products from last week , whether they suited you or not .
11 equipment , and in ‘ first-world ’ country sees no excuse to continue fishing in this manner : ‘ The counter-arguments of a handful of fishermen ... not representative of the industry ... should not be given any particular weight .
12 Consequently , another aspect of the debate about corporation has been whether a particular country should or should not be given this label .
13 Tea and coffee should be strictly limited , and the patient should drink them from a small cup , and should not be given several cups in succession .
14 As each policy is unique it should not be assumed that policy conditions , exclusions etc are common to all schemes .
15 So you can deliver your baby just like anyone else and should not be treated any differently .
16 We should not be supporting this practice .
17 His tribute was meant for Alex and Mary McLaggan , but as he sang he half turned towards Jean , he could not keep his look away from her , and as the words enveloped her she felt herself choking in a warm cocoon , her cheeks burned unbearably , he should not be doing this , it was too much in front of so many friends and strangers .
18 I should not be doing this .
19 Mr Stewart added : ‘ If there is a snagging and should the fishing vessel not have a pinger attached to its gear , that should not be taken some way as meaning that the fishing vessel having contributed to her own misfortune .
20 ‘ I 've always resented the ideal of the frilly frock and girly giggle as the symbols of femininity — dungarees and big boots should not be considered any less female or feminine .
21 It is obvious that , if you can not handle these problems , you are not qualified and therefore , should not be presenting such an enterprise as an independent project . ’
22 Some naturalists argued that all characters should be taken into account when determining relationships , but others claimed that some characters were more fundamental than others and should thus be given more weight .
23 You must still be taking that very seriously ?
24 If you are eating enough of these kinds of food to maintain appropriate weight ( or , if you are overweight , to lose weight slowly ) then you should automatically be getting enough vitamins and minerals .
25 It must also be remembered that death usually took place in the home , not only because nineteenth century parents preferred it , but also because , before the development of antisepsis in practical nursing in the last quarter of the century , to send a patient to hospital was much more likely to prove fatal than keeping him at home .
26 It must also be remembered that university education at Oxford and Cambridge before 1945 ( when those who are now judges attended ) was also very largely a middle-class activity , within the first three groups of the table set out above .
27 ( 2 ) It must also be remembered that merger relief under CA 1985 , s131 , and merger accounting under SSAP 23 and CA 1985 , Sched 4A are only available in respect of a takeover involving a share for share exchange ( see para 23.1 below ) .
28 Rather than concentrating almost exclusively on the training of direct service practitioners , they should probably be devoting more resources to training professional personnel who will function in indirect service roles , directing , co-ordinating and supervising the work of paraprofessional personnel and providing appropriate in-service training for them .
29 Good employers , working with occupational health advisors , should now be doing all they can to help , by ensuring that anyone involved in a high-risk activity has the most comfortable working environment possible .
30 Without consulting the master layout plan I have no idea which square yard H24/V72 occupies on the pitch , once the biggest in England until former manager Billy Bremner lopped off a few yards because he thought it put the team at a disadvantage when playing away ( they must now be regretting all those lost square yards they could be selling ) .
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