Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In some respects , today 's emphasis on women 's rights , literature and issues may not only be a drive to increase women 's standing in relation to men , but may rather be a celebration of the rediscovery of the shared communication that women have .
2 The principal hunting weapon may have been the bow and arrow ; arrows , as with all tools , are rare in early Anglo-Saxon cemeteries ; they are often viewed as weapons of warfare but constitute the most obvious hunting weapon amongst the range of artefacts and their rarity in cemeteries may only be a reflection of their importance to the community .
3 ‘ Madam , my TARDIS may only be a type 40 , but you — ‘
4 Alternatively this may only be a change in the precious metal brought about by necessity , and silver coinage may have continued the earlier function of the gold coinage , as bullion .
5 Dickinson argues for a change in the organisation of the industry as chronologically earlier pairs show less variation than later examples ; this may only be a change in ability and need not relate to changes in the medium used to make models .
6 It may only be a matter of time before MaliVai Washington , for one , sees the family name being represented in the wider context of majority black participation in the sport which has , for so long , been predominantly whites only territory .
7 Swindon tofday may only be a town in name and profile but by the twenty-first centurythey 're deternmined it 'll be a city to be reckoned with .
8 It does not have to be a long passage , it may only be a verse .
9 But this may only be a reality for those who are adaptable in what they are prepared to consider and where they are willing to go to do it .
10 If this is the case , the changes of the past 30 years may be the first signs of a return to the more traditional population distribution of pre-industrial Britain , but it must also be borne in mind that it takes a very long time to shift major population patterns , and that the present trends may only be a veneer on an underlying and more permanent structure .
11 This may only be a curiosity of Cowdery 's Down , for , on other contemporary settlements , pits and other deep features contained numerous seeds and animal bones .
12 But the irregular payments for which Stan Flashman 's club were punished may only be the tip of the iceberg .
13 What looks like a dead end may only be the result of personal weakness .
14 The benefit of these reactions have to be understood in terms of life in the wild , where fighting off predators , or fleeing from them , may literally be a matter of life or death .
15 But , when it may literally be a matter of life and death , might it not be worth putting things on hold for another twelve months ?
16 Edward Saul , in An Historical and Philosophical Account of the Barometer or Weather-glass ( 1735 ) says : ‘ it may perhaps be an Inducement to some of the Gentlemen of Lincolnshire , to deal with Mr Jonathan Sisson … ; that he is their Country Man , and eminent for his great Skill , Accuracy and Fidelity , both in the Construction of his Barometers , and in whatever Work , he undertakes , or delivers out of his Hands . ’
17 As the transfer deals only with the legal estate , it can be argued that there should properly be a release off the register by the husband of his equitable interest in the matrimonial home to the wife .
18 These questions should properly be the subject of extensive research and debate , since on the answers hang decisive issues of antiracist strategy .
19 There is a decision gap and then there is a fork Since there must presumably be a decision to take either fork there should be further decision gaps .
20 Well I do n't believe that that should necessarily be a reason why it should be accepted in this case in by this panel .
21 In the circumstances , Dunwoody , who escaped with nothing worse than bruises , was performing a miracle of tolerant good sense when he suggested that the Mildmay fences ‘ should perhaps be a bit more sloped and not quite so square at the top . ’
22 Now you know , wi with lots of experts in this field and so we 're we only simply put that forward as a , a general suggestion whether it should be one-third from them and two- thirds from the pension funds , you know , I do n't think is a matter of great importance to us , but we do think that the should perhaps be a bit spread , spread a bit more widely than just into the pension funds .
23 BUT the maximum distance from the where the foul was should only be a couple of yards .
24 David Clark thought there might be some need for review while Adrian Bird felt that a blanket prohibition should only be a starting point which should be used in conjunction with local knowledge .
25 It should only be a matter of time before they return to common sense and reason .
26 ‘ Nothing yet , but I 've got a team working around the clock so it should only be a matter of time before they come up with the answers . ’
27 While the focus of our endeavour must necessarily be the degree to which the project has achieved its own stated objectives , the evaluators have felt free to go beyond the limits which those objectives described .
28 When a bequest fails through the death of the person for whom it was intended , and does not pass under a residuary bequest , as must necessarily be the case if the bequest which falls is itself residuary , the property will be dealt with as upon an intestacy .
29 When the case first came before the Court of Appeal , the court , finding no assistance in the text of the Convention itself , held in effect that the proceedings had to be regarded as in a ‘ civil or commercial matter ’ both under the law of the requesting country , which must necessarily be the starting-point , and that of England , the courts of which had to be satisfied that the request did fall within the terms of the Act .
30 Vogel 's book entitled Japan As Number One ( 1979 ) is the epitome of this trend , as he sets a scenario in which he not only predicts that the Japanese economy will be the biggest in the world before the end of the century , but also that Japanese society should henceforth be the model for post-industrial societies .
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