Example sentences of "[vb mod] [adv] [be] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Be-1 , Pao and S-Cargo , made in small volumes and sold in Japan at premiums over the Micra model on which they are based , may not be to everyone 's taste .
2 Sound content , but humorous approach may not be to everyone 's taste .
3 Instinct told her that he was planning something for her and it might not be to her liking .
4 It might not be to everyone 's taste or be able to last for hundreds of years but you have to admit that she would turn a few heads if she appeared sitting casually in your garden .
5 He told me not to talk about the matter outside as it might not be to his interests if the facts were made generally known . ’
6 In view of the technical advance implied it is thought that it was probably he who was the ‘ Mr Showers ’ who was complimented in 1692 for having played in hitherto impossible keys and ‘ with all the softness imaginable ’ ; but at that date the reference might conceivably be to his father or , less probably , his kinsman William .
7 At the meeting , the most important point to convey is that your alternative proposals need not be to their detriment , either in financial terms or in the provision of any accommodation they may be hoping for in a new development on the site .
8 So Sean O'Farrell and his pleasantries would not be to her taste today .
9 He sat back down next to her , but he still did n't look at her , and she had a sinking feeling that he really was going to tell her the truth about Nicole , but it would not be to her liking .
10 Otherwise our credit society could easily go sour on us , with repercussions for the country 's industry and commerce which would not be to our benefit .
11 At Larchgrove some expressed the view that the remedial input necessary to develop Tony 's literacy and numeracy could be provided best at a residential school , but there was a stronger view that it would not be to his benefit to remove him from a secure and caring home .
12 The prelude of Suite No. 3 is a characteristic example , full of dynamic contrasts and bold gestures which work well in their own terms but will not be to everyone 's liking .
13 Demidenko ( Hyperion ) is also highly individual , not to say idiosyncratic , even if his penchant for the mildly unexpected will not be to everyone 's taste , and Katin 's sensitivity and rare gift for sustaining a seamless melodic line ( Olympia ) is let down slightly by his converse reluctance to immerse himself in those many passages when the note-rate increases alarmingly .
14 Fighting , he says , is ‘ the real , highest , honestest business of every son of man ’ and he advises ‘ those young persons whose stomachs are not strong , or who think a good set-to with the weapons which God has given to us all , an uncivilized , unchristian , or ungentlemanly affair , just skip this chapter at once , for it wo n't be to their taste ’ .
15 Early consultation with your neighbour can also be to your advantage .
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