Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] away for a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What would you say if I told you I must go away for a week ?
2 ‘ You should get away for a bit , ’ Helen continued .
3 We could go away for a weekend together , we could ; we could wake up next morning and eat croissants and drink coffee from blue china bowls .
4 However , he left the next day , calling later to ask Lorna to meet him nearby with £500 cash so he could go away for a few days .
5 ‘ We could go away for a bit — a break ; a couple of weeks perhaps .
6 If you have a poor memory you could slip away for a moment and write yourself a quick note .
7 All the way through school , my mum used to go away for a fortnight 's rest during the summer and I would go and stay in one of the various holiday homes for disabled children .
8 Sometimes she would stay away for a day or two .
9 A plan occurred to her ; she and Lucy would go away for a weekend to the heart of the country , roses round the door , and find out how they would be lovers .
10 And at the end of the day he 's tired , he 's physically weary , and he says let's get away for a while let's go over to the other side .
11 But he will slip away for a holiday in a luxury Spanish villa after the final ceremony .
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