Example sentences of "[vb mod] [verb] away [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As the MIND report concludes , not only must the system be made more user friendly , but it must move away from a supply-led to a consumer-oriented approach .
2 He was surprised to find , for example , that men who make their living out of reporting news and gossip should go away from a private lunch with him and the Princess and talk about it .
3 ‘ What would you say if I told you I must go away for a week ?
4 ‘ You should get away for a bit , ’ Helen continued .
5 Henry had always assumed that this was due , on her part , to an entirely natural physical repugnance for him ; she moved away from him as one might move away from a bad smell or a dangerous horse .
6 Yes , and this is why I want to look at this week at a glance diary , so that you will go away and I want you to fill this in as I 'm filling in on the board , you 'll go away with an idea what a diary , sorry , spit there , ha , erm , of what a diary will look like roughly , so that you know what your diary should look like every week .
7 ‘ It 'll go away in an hour .
8 You might come away with a few commissions of your own . ’
9 While in the summer you might get away with a pair of trail boots , I would always want to wear something more substantial for traditional British hill-walking .
10 ‘ You 'll get away with a fine and Bob 's your uncle . ’
11 They usually run them at below peak efficiency , they run The Russian reactors they tend to run 'em at maximum efficiency which is you 're very very close to the critical level where it could run away with a little mistake and whoops , you got Chernobyl .
12 One could move away from a straightforward ‘ bipolar ’ system , in which each side has only one of two options .
13 Perhaps she could fade away in a faded villa like the Villa Fiesole where the Durance coterie had faded to nothing .
14 But what racing could give after one good day , it could take away after a bad one .
15 We could go away for a weekend together , we could ; we could wake up next morning and eat croissants and drink coffee from blue china bowls .
16 However , he left the next day , calling later to ask Lorna to meet him nearby with £500 cash so he could go away for a few days .
17 ‘ We could go away for a bit — a break ; a couple of weeks perhaps .
18 erm We feel we can do well , I 'd be ecstatic if we could come away with a world championship point , I think we possibly can if we 're a bit lucky .
19 Thanks to its balance-of-payments strength , it is one economy that could get away with a bold fiscal stimulus without facing a currency crisis .
20 Erm the two litre size is we i the vast majority of the market there is going to be on the doorstep and we feel that we could get away with a premium price because of that .
21 Early that afternoon , as soon as she could get away from a lunch with colleagues from her department , Loretta set off for the Sunday Herald building .
22 If you have a poor memory you could slip away for a moment and write yourself a quick note .
23 All the way through school , my mum used to go away for a fortnight 's rest during the summer and I would go and stay in one of the various holiday homes for disabled children .
24 Half a crown And you used to come away with a big piece of flat brisket and if he 's got any sausage left , or bits a of pork pies , he used to shove a bit of that in .
25 Sometimes she would stay away for a day or two .
26 She clung to him and laughed a little through her sobs , and he said : ‘ We shall float away on a tide of your tears if you 're not careful .
27 My personal hope is that we shall move away from a formalised dichotonomy of university and non-university institutions , and that there will be a less obvious division : two groups of educational organisations with parity of esteem in the public mind .
28 She is becoming Burma 's most famous non-person , much to the anger of the military , who were hoping she would fade away as a political force .
29 As a rationalist , I had but to snap my rational fingers , it might be argued , and the devil would fade away in a puff of smoke .
30 A plan occurred to her ; she and Lucy would go away for a weekend to the heart of the country , roses round the door , and find out how they would be lovers .
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